Weaving a Web of Lies

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Amanda squinted her eyes in pain. She hadn't seen bright fluorescent lights in what seemed like years. Once her eyes adjusted, she saw that it was Matthews who was guiding her by the wrist.

Immediately a feeling of pain sunk in as she recognized her surroundings. His nails were digging into the depths of her smooth skin. She struggled unsuccessfully as he lead her through a series of brightly lit corridors. She writhed left and right, but Matthews's grip stood the test of time.

Instead of protesting, Amanda kept her mouth shut. Maybe I can wriggle away without a sound…she thought defiantly. The odds of her getting away were slim, but as she knew, anything is possible.

Amanda jerked her hands backwards with all the force her small frame could muster. However, this time Matthews noticed Amanda's effort. He turned around and stopped in his tracks. Amanda was still unconsciously walking, and wound up bumping right into him. She could feel his breath on her neck. It was hot and sticky, like a bright summer day.

She cringed in disgust at her close proximity to him, and stepped away. She did not want to raise her head, she was afraid he would have a menacing look on his face. Amanda bit her lip in anticipation of incoming physical pain. However, this time Matthews just sloughed off her attempt and kept on moving. Shocked at his mercy, she finally exhaled.

Amanda gradually picked up her head and studied the rooms she was passing. She noticed a woman with a very slight figure was following both Matthews and Amanda. She had a strikingly attractive face, arched eyebrows, and dark green eyes. Her intensively curly hair rested just below the shoulder.

She ran her fingers through her kinky locks as she walked; 5-6 manila folders cradled in her right arm. Facing forward, Amanda then realized that she was reaching a dead end. Matthews lead her into a white room, with a mirror on the left wall. A table and two chairs were located inside. Matthews pulled out the chair on the wall opposite the mirror, and gestured to Amanda to sit down.

Amanda settled herself in the spot, as Matthews left the room. The woman who had been closely following them before had now made a re-appearance in the interrogation room. The woman watched Matthews casually stroll out the door into the hall in admiration.

Puzzled, Amanda played with the chains of cuffs she wore, shaking them up and down to observe the sound they made. Among the sounds of metal chains clinking together, Amanda heard the sounds of footsteps, she looked up to find the woman approaching the door.

Amanda squirmed in her seat as she watched the woman close it, leaving them alone. "Okay Amanda..." the woman muttered contemplatively as she studied the various folders she held in front of her eyes. She approached the table, pulled out the unoccupied chair, and took a seat. A glint caught Amanda's eye. She looked down at the woman's suit jacket pocket. Upon it was a police ID, it detailed that the woman was refered to as Detective Kerry. Her eye color, hair color, ID number and ethnicity were also listed on the laminated tag.

"So Amanda, when did the deal go down."

Kerry said to her, half attentive, half still thinking of Eric Matthews. Amanda's eyes widened in shock at Kerry's question. Frantically, she thought of what to say.

Anything, just say anything...the longer you are quiet, the more she will be suspicious!

Kerry tapped her nails on the table in anticipation of an answer. Make a damn sound already, I don't have all day... Then Kerry felt relief as she saw Amanda start to speak.


In response to Amanda's statement; Detective Kerry furrowed her eyebrow and looked over Amanda's file yet again. "Well, it says right here that Detective Matthews pulled a clear sample off of the syringe found in your drawer...So it must have been you." Kerry said with a slight frown. Amanda's gaze fell to the floor, as she pondered her next response.

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