Dear diarie,
Good morning I'm ready for Jaden to ask me out bye I walking to school :).
Dear diarie,
yes, Jaden ask me out and everybody was happy and he walk me home and we had y he best time jasmyne said he perfect for me and i love him so much. gn
dear diarie,
Hey and bye Jaden here and he got candy.
Dear diarie,
this feeling I'd great to have someone to hold. funny right and I met two amazing friends they are African they are funny and they fit me and their names is Dorcas and precious I love them like sisters and my others friends two but there in not in all my classes. gn
dear diarie,
this is the last week well bye Jaden here
diaries of a love curse
Short Storyhey this story of a girl angel that like a boy named Jaden and her sister is going out with her and angel sis reads her diarie and it goes down shout out to dorcas precious and miles I miss you