Chapter 1: February 20th

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February 29th was in nine days. Harry couldn't believe it. He felt as if September was last week. He sat in charms class, lost in thought as Professor Flitwick bumbled around the room, helping people with wand movement technique and pronunciation. It was a review day, and Harry had plenty to practice, but he simply couldn't concentrate. His thoughts were racing.
What if I'm Avian? My soulmate could be sitting in this classroom with me.
Harry looked around the room, his charms class this year was shared with some Ravenclaw fifth years, including Cho Chang, who was talking to her friends rather than practicing.
What if Cho is my soulmate?
Harry looked to his right just in time to see Ron make his desk catch on fire. He laughed but then cut short when a thought crossed his mind.
What if Ron is my soulmate?
Harry shivered.
No offense to him, but Merlin, no. Hermione can have have him.
Harry sighed.
What am I even thinking? There's a 90% chance that I'm not Avian. I need to stop this before I drive myself crazy.
Harry shook his head and started flipping through his Charms textbook looking for different spells that he needed to work on.


Alrighty, so that was the first chapter and I know it's SUPER short, but I just needed to get a solid base down before I really delve into stuff, you know? So this is like the first fanfiction I've ever written, so I'm sorry if I'm terrible at updating or the plot doesn't align and stuff. Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments, but go easy on me. 🙈

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