(1) First Meeting

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"Can you please shut the fuck up?!" Kye shouted back at me.
"Language Kye!" Her mum replied.

She is going to hate today but I really don't care. I get to meet Roadtrip! Ive been a roadie since near the beginning of the band and hadn't yet actually met them so this was a big deal to me. I just brought Kye along for the jokes.

My name is Ell Tomlinson and I'm a blondeeeee bitch. I'm 19 and a bit of a band geek.

Kye is an 18 year old party girl who is annoyed as fuck by roadtrip and how much I love them but i don't care because she loves me:

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Kye is an 18 year old party girl who is annoyed as fuck by roadtrip and how much I love them but i don't care because she loves me:

Kye is an 18 year old party girl who is annoyed as fuck by roadtrip and how much I love them but i don't care because she loves me:

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"Oo can we stop for Starbucks?" Kye asked as we passed the coffee shop.
"Noooo we're gonna be late!" I groaned, I wasn't going to let her coffee addiction stand in the way of me meeting my future hubbys.
"I'll only be a few minutes. I really need a piss aswell. MUM PULL OVER" Kye argued and as always she got her way.
I sat in the back seat with a frown, but eventually gave in. I went and got an iced coffee. Don't judge me I'm blonde.

We got there kind of early and we had vip so when it was time we just walked in. I was literally shaking waiting to go through to the main part where you meet them. I grabbed Kyes hand and squeezed as hard as I could.
"Jesus Ell calm down hunny" She said and put an arm around me. Eek.

Then it was time. I walked in and immediately dragged Kye over to Brook.

"Hey gorgeous" Brook said as I hugged him a bit too tight.
"Oh my god hi! I'm literally in love with you!" I fangirled as he chuckled.
"Kye! It's BROOKLYN!" I shouted to her. I turned around and she was just stood on her phone looking bored as fuck. She looked up and smiled awkwardly before looking back at her phone.
"Sorry about her. She's not really a roadie but I force her to listen to you" I explained to him.
"Why did she get V.I.P then?" Brook asked curiously.
"I don't know actually. To make me feel less lonely? She doesn't really care about what she spends her money on" I explained further. He nodded.
"Hey book person. Brook, that's it. Do you know if they're selling propa' drinks at this bar?" Kye asked, pulling a tenner out of her bra.
"Nope. Most girls here are about 13 so I wouldn't think so. You could probably get a coke or something" He said to her and she wandered off.
"Sorry about Kye. She's seems rude and all that but she's really nice once you give her a chance. She's an acquired taste" I apologised, don't know why but it just seemed like the thing to do.
"I didn't actually get your name sweetheart?"
"Ell Tomlinson"
"Well, Miss Tomlinson. I hope I'll see you again soon" he said before taking a selfie with me and then greeting other fans.

I went over to Rye.
"Hey beautiful. What's your name?" He greeted me with.
"Ell. Just want to say that you're even more good looking in person, and I didn't think that was possible for you." I complemented. I wasn't in Ryes lane but he was HAWTT with two T's.
"Why thank you. C'mere" He said and engulfed me in a big hug.
"I noticed you whilst you were talking to Brook. I'm guessing you're a Brooks girl by how red your face was" He laughed and my face went red once again.
"Fuck. I thought my makeup would hide my serious issue with blushing at EVERYTHING. Ar' well he's cute" I explained and he laughed once again.
"Well... by the way he's looking at you right now, I'm guessing he thinks you're cute too" He said and I looked over to catch Brook staring our way. He quickly turned around and started speaking to the closest fan. Rye took my phone out of my hands and pulled me in to take a selfie before saying goodbye.

Two down. Three to go.

I walked over to the infamous Andy Fowler.
"Hey Andy! You don't know this but you're my brother!" I exclaimed laughing.
He laughed with me and we took a picture with his arm around me.
"So where'd the whole brother thing come from?" He asked.
"I just feel like you'd be the perfect older brother for me. You've just always gave that vibe to me" I vaguely explained to him.
He chuckled and gave me a warm hug. He truly did feel like a brother to me. Whilst I hugged him I just felt some sort of connection like one from a family member.
He pulled back and I think he had felt the same because we both didn't say anything and just stayed in a weird half hug position for a while until I decided to go meet Mickey Mouse.

"Heyyyy how are you babe?" Mikey asked.
"I'm great. Tonight's already been so fun. Can't wait for the actual concert part" I replied buzzing with excitement.
"Haha me too. Wanna do a more fun picture. I'm getting bored of the normal selfie" He said and I nodded my head laughing.
I jumped onto his back and put my fingers in 'okay signs' around his eyes. He leant back so I thought I was falling and someone took the picture for us. He put me down and we looked at the result. It was hilarious. God I love this band. I gave him a hug and went to find Jack.

"Hey" He said a bit plainly.
"Hey Irish Bean!" I said trying to boost his enthusiasm.
"Ha. What's your name?" He asked. It looked like his mind was on something.
"Elephant". That got his attention.
"What?" He asked laughing.
"My names Ell. What's up? You seem distracted" I asked him curiously.
"Nothing you have to worry about babe" He said and we took a picture.
"Nice meeting you Elephant" He said and I went to find Kye.

It had been about 10 minutes of me looking for Kye and they were gonna let more people in soon.
Luckily I found her in a corner with a can of beer.
"Oh my god Kye I've been looking everywhere for you. Where the fuck have you been?!" I asked as a sense or relief washed over me. She hadn't got herself in trouble yet.

"Literally right here. But the cool thing. I got the Irish ones number"

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