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Real POV
One frosty evening in the middle of winter. Ashley was babysitting the little girl called Scarlett. Scarlett was all tucked in bed, ready to go sleep. As Ashley started to leave, Scarlett quickly said Ashley I can't sleep without a story can u tell me one. Ashley sighed knowing she wouldn't win the fight. She walked back to the bed and sat down, she asked Scarlett what type of story she wanted, Scarlett replied a true princess story. Ashley thought to herself and knew the perfect story. Scarlett cuddled up with her toy rabbit called blue and was ready to listen to this new story. Ashley began the story.

Story POV
Once upon a time there was a girl around the age of 16 nearly 17 in a few days, her name was Ashley. Her full name was princess Ashley Marionette Francesca Diego, she was the princess of a little country called Genova, they were very old fashioned and everything was very traditional. However it was a beautiful country, full of vineyards,  beautiful landscapes and quaint little towns. This would be her country in a year and 7 days. She tried to act excited about it, but inside she was dreading the day, she doesn't want all that responsibility and she never pictured herself as a queen. Her dream place was Los Angeles. Where she could sing her heart away. Her only escape from all her responsibilities was her singing account on YouTube. Her account was called AMFD standing her full name. She had around 6 million on there, but not one person could figure out who she was. She always wore oversized glasses, bright pink lipstick, a big hat and gloves. Never has anyone knew it was her except one person. Her maid, Francesca Martin, One of Ashley's name was named after her because she has helped the family through extremely tough times. Ashley had been thinking recently wherever she should ask to go to LA even for a while. Hopefully permanently, but she didn't want her hopes up. She walked slowly to her mums room and then she arrived at the grand door, that had a golden plaque saying The Queens Suite. She politely knocked and she could hear her mother say come in. She walked in and kissed her mothers hand, (its tradition) her mother said to her darling what do you want I'm about to start the press interview about you becoming queen, Ashley replied confidently, well mother I hate being stuck in this palace and I can't deal with the pressure of al my responsibilities, I'm only 17, so what I was wondering, is there any possibility I could move to Los Angeles for a year and live my life, then come back and pursue being queen. The queen looked at her shocked but then she spoke and said something surprising

Authors note
Guys so what I'm doing  is splitting it into like real life (real life by real life in the story) and a story.(a story in a story)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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