Important and Explaination

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Hi. I'm sorry for not posting a chapter on this book at all yet. The last few months have been a hell ride and back. Let me explain.

My family always stressed me out along with school and the people that have surrounded me in my class.

Then late November my grandfather passed away at an old age which teared my dads side of the family apart.

Then early December my last grandparent (my grandmother) passed away of what they called "a broken heart". That was also really sudden and of course not fun.

Anytime I heard someone talk about their grandparents I would have to go to the washroom and try to hold back tears as much as I could.

Then Christmas was approaching and I was busy getting presents and decorating and etc etc.

My dad went away to Newfoundland for my grandfathers funeral once he died which everyone at his work completely paid for as a surprise for him.

Then it was busy and all this other stuff was happening.

Now since it's Boxing Day and almost 2019 I want to try my hardest to get back on track.

I hope you understand and I always will try my best because this is one of the things that truly mean a lot to me.

Thanks for the support and I love you all

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