One Shall Fall

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Please Excuse me for my lack of describing fight scenes, I suck at that. Oh, and one question

Would you like to have both Powers like teach. The Fusion of both Gura Gura No Mi and the Yami Yami No Mi?

3rd P.O.V

Back at the USJ, Y/N was facing off with the murderer of his father. Not only that but Tomura added salt to the wound by turning his Bisento to ash, so we was weaponless. Y/N was practically seething with rage, his teeth gritting so much they could break.

Y/N: You fucking bitch! You....

He couldn't even speak, this man was the main reason for his mothers sadness. Blackbeard saw the tears falling down Y/N's cheek, he grinned wide

Blackbeard: Oh, are you sad? Oh don't be sad. Its like this every day, people die every day it's just life.

Blackbeard said, his smile grew when he saw the son of whitebeard clenching his hands. But then Y/N eyes blackbeard with eyes full of hatred, enough that it could kill if able

Teach: Oh, don't give me that look. Don't be sad because of your poor daddy gone. I'm sure your mother will find a man like him in a few days

But he was then punched in the face and was flung back, Tomura and Kurogiri stayed back to watch. They were hoping that Blackbeard was enough, though Tomura's master did suggest him if something when wrong with his attack on the school.

Back to the fight, Blackbeard got up slowly and caressed his cheek

Blackbeard: Ouch! That really hurts! You could go easy y'know?

Y/N: EASY?! Your the bastard that killed my dad!? Like hell I'll go easy!

Back a few feet away, Aizawa was worried for Y/N. He read the reports on the Murder and this blackbeard person fits the description perfectly.

Aizawa: Y/N! Get back and wait for the rest of the teachers!

But despite his pleas, Y/N ignored him and attacked Blackbeard again. Using this power to fling him towards the forest, Y/N didn't even care. An eye for an eye, he was gonna avenge his father

Blackbeard got up again with little efford, grinning like a madman when he saw the white haired kid.

Blackbeard: Wow, Just like dear old dead dad. Your punches are even more painful then his were, come now. Show me again!

He said taunting him, this angered Y/N even more as he charged at him with his fist glowing white. But then Blackbeard fist was coated in black smoke, when Y/N threw his fist, Blackbeard met his fist but what happened surprised Y/N

 But then Blackbeard fist was coated in black smoke, when Y/N threw his fist, Blackbeard met his fist but what happened surprised Y/N

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Blackbeards Shadow covered fist swirled around Y/N's. The bright white glow diminished and Y/N' eyes widen, he jumped back as Blackbeard was laughing out loud for the whole dorm to hear

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