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T H R E E ;

They've only met each other seconds ago, but the two were already in love.

They've only met each other seconds ago, but the two were already in love

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The golden fairy carefully wraps the bandage around the bent part of the wing and secures it with a tie. He flutters his own wings and backs away from his patient. "How does that feel, Tulip?" His friend turns her head over her shoulder to get a glance at the handiwork. She instantly smiles, satisfied with the given treatment. Tulip pulls Taehyung into a tight hug, "Thanks so much, Tae! It should be good as new in no time!" Taehyung laughs and makes some minor adjustments to the wrapping before backing up. "Try not to use your wings for two days. Too much strain on the wing could worsen the injury." Tulip gaps at that, "W-What? You're saying I have to... walk?!"

She receives a sheepish smile from the other fairy, who was using his wings freely. A loud groan erupted from Tulip's mouth as she stood up on her two... feet. Tulip grumbles while walking out of Taehyung's office and down the wooden stairs, "Me, a fairy, walking. Walking!" Taehyung giggles at the sight, but a surprised expression takes over his face when his mom, Queen Solar, steps into his cozy little treehouse. He gasps and hurriedly flies to his mother, sharing a warm hug. They pull back, their golden fairy dust falling from their wings and onto the ground. His mother smiles softly at him, her benevolent aura never ceasing.

"Only morning and you're already treating people, Taehyung?" The blonde grins and nods his head, "Someone has to do it." The queen and her son fly out of the treehouse, their golden glows catching the attention of everyone. "Queen Solar! Prince Taehyung!" The pair look down and see the people of their clan waving at them. They both flash their signature box smile and quickly speed through the air, all the flying fairies stopping in their path to make way for the royals.

Queen Solar's gold heels clicked against her palace floors, her son's shiny black loafers followed suit. The fairy maids dropped whatever they were doing and flew to the prince, a prince that seemed too pretty to be a male. "Taehyung-ah!" The head maid, Magnolia, goes and pinches Taehyung's squishy cheeks, a feature that remained since he was a baby. Magnolia tears up at the realization of how grown the prince has gotten since he was a small little boy who could barely fly. Taehyung felt rather overwhelmed, while his mother lightly laughs. The blonde gently pulls Magnolia's hands away, a questioning smile on his lips. "Where's Father?"

Immediately, Magnolia softly smiles and turns the other direction, "Follow me."

The three utilize their wings and fly up to the third floor (there are stairs, but they're fairies, so stairs are useless for the most part). Taehyung's nose picks up the scent of lavender, the smell that his father adores and could never get tired of. Magnolia flies over to the king's bed and unravels the curtains so they could see Taehyung's dad resting. The two royalties quietly make their way to the bed, Queen Solar carefully moving the loose strands of hair out of her husband's eyes. All of a sudden, his eyes opened and the corner of his lips curve upward at the sight of his family. He uses his arm to push against the bed and bring himself to sit upright.

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