Chapter 5

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Its been a day after My father and I return from the beach, all I can think about is the fact that I'm going to be a mom in a few months. I haven't really spoken to anyone since that day with my father its only been me and my mom for the past two days.

*Buzz Buzz Buzz* I looked at my phone that was on my table and seen that it was Stacey who was calling me.

"Hey Bestie! We need to do shopping" She said practically making me deaf.

"Sure. but when?" I said looking at the time, it was only 9 in the morning and its Saturday so the mall was going to be full.

"Uh at 11 I'll come pick you up" She said before hanging up the phone. I just laid back down and closed my eyes for about 30 minuets before getting up. I got up took a nice hot shower. Lotion my body and threw on my under garments. So far the morning sickness had died down, which is good. After about 5 minuets of looking in my closet I picked out my black shirt with some blue tights and black Nike shoes. When I was done I looked in the mirror and stared at my stomach while I lifted my shirt. My pregnancy was starting to show a little bit. Makes me looks bloated. I put down my shirt and checked my phone.

As I was about to text Stacey she texted and said so come down and so I did. I went down stairs told my mom goodbye and headed to Stacey car.

"So did Khalil ever text you?" Stacey asked while pulling out my drive way. In all honesty I forgot that we told him I was pregnant and he was the father. So much stuff was happening in one week.

"Nah he never did" I said looking out the window.

"But the real questions is did you and your girlfriend ever patched things up?" I asked her with a smile on my face.

"First of all you know damn well, we was never really together. She just not my type" Stacey said as she was turning the car. Before we can eve say anything we arrived at the mall. So far from the looks of the parking lot there wasn't a lot of people here. We got out the car and headed for the mall.

" We should go tp rainbows first or maybe children place" Stacey said smiling at me.
"Okay, sure why not Aunt Stacey" I said laughing at her as she got excited. We walked into children's place and went straight towards the new born aisle.

"Look at this one its so cute" Stacey said holding up a onesie that read "My Aunt is the best" I looked at it in awe.

We both silently picked out some baby outfits before standing in line. I looked at the outfits Stacey picked out.

"Why did you get boy clothes you done know if its a boy" I said laughing at her.

"Nope, its a boy I just know it" She said with such pride. We paid for the clothes and headed towards Forever 21. Before we can step inside I bumped right into some one.

"Oh shit you alright" The person said as they grabbed my arm to make sure I won't fall.

"Yea I'm fine" I said holding my stomach. When I looked up its was Khalil.

" Camille? I've been meaning to talk to you" He said as he looked at me. But before I can say anything Amanda walked up behind him holding his hand.

"Babe? why are you talking to this bitch and her bitch of a friend." She said as she looked at Stacey.

"Really Amanda your ass still got a problem with us after years of not talking?" I said while staring at her. My ass might be pregnant but I could drag a bitch.

"Nah its cool Elle she just mad cause her pussy stink" Stacey said. Before you know is Amanda swung at Stacey and Stacey dodged the punch and punch Amanda right in the face. With that they started fighting but it only lasted ten seconds because the security guard came and stopped it. I helped Stacey up and dragged her to the car as Amanda was yelling at Stacey.

"That bitch always got to try something" Stacey said as she was driving out of the mall parking lot. Stacey and Amanda used to date but after Amanda cheated on her multiple times Stacey ended the relationship. Amanda wasn't fond of that and started to beef with Stacey just because.

"Why don't we go to the boxing match so you can release some of your anger" I said looking at her with a smile. She then made a sharp U-turn and headed towards the boxing match. We always went to the boxing match whenever we got angry and boy we were some angry kids growing up.

When we reached Stacey jumped right out the car and practically ran inside. As I walked in I seen my ex Ayden.

"What's up beautiful" He said as he came up to me smiling.

"Hey ugly" I said playfully back to him.

"You came here to bow a little? Haven't seen you in months" He said walking over towards the boxing mats.

"Sure. I can't do a lot though cause my stomach hurt" I said looking at him with a smile. We then boxed a little not going to hard. We finished about an hour later.

"This was fun. Why we stopped hanging out" He said as he came closer to me.

"Maybe because you wanted to go around and cheat on me" I said stepping back. He then looked at me with such sympathy.

"I'm sorry that I did that shit. You know I really regret it. I was just mad back then " He said while holding my hands. Before I can say anything Stacey was ready to leave so I said my goodbye and left to the car.

When I got home I went upstairs and changed into my pajama's. Before I can lay down my mom called me downstairs.

"Elle their someone downstairs for you" She said.

"Alright I'm coming down" I said as I got out my room and went down the stairs.

"Oh shit. Khalil Hey" I said as I looked at him at the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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