Chapter 7: Drift

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Y/n's Perspective

             As you pick out the supplies on the layers and layers of shelves, you pay for them, in a total of $245 dollars. Who knew school supplies can be so expensive. With the embarrassing hours of MinYung teasing you, you finally have gotten used it.
            As you lift open the trunk of the vehicle, MinYung stops and stares at you. "Hey Y/n..." You place the rest of the supplies into the trunk, still listening to what's next.
             "Yes?" You ask.
             "Your birthday is in a week... What do you want for your birthday? " Replies MinYing
             "Meh... Nothing really specific."
             You carry on, shrugging your shoulders like you just didn't want to bring up birthdays at this time. MinYung takes a deep breath and pat you on your shoulder. Her long skinny legended legs walk towards the car, and swings herself into the passenger seat. You sigh, and stride to the metal door and pull open the door. You grip onto the steering wheel and say, "I've been into music if that helps." and start the engine. In the corner of your vision, you can already see her smile, beaming across her face.

Jin's Perspective

             I'm already going to the apartment Yumi lives on. Apparently, her condo is just 97 metres away from the parking area, I just hate walking, but this is totally an upgrade. I stoop my shoulders and start to lock my car with my keys.

Next part coming soon)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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