҉  Wow People  ҉  

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A/N <3

 OK! So this is my first published fanfic meaning I really do apologize if it sucks ('• ᴗ •̥'✿) Also there might be some strong language (o mai) in some chapters so if you don't necessarily feel comfortable about such langues then this may not be for you. 

On another note! There may be requests and polls open for each chapter which will take place in the comment section so make sure to look for the note at the bottom of the chapter!

So that's the end of my blabbering! (⌒_⌒;)  Hope you enjoy!~


  Ah... Being a transfer student to the biggest hero high school sure is fun.

If you couldn't tell, I'm lying, its literal torture. My time in between joining the school was filled with intense training to get in and even more to get up to the level of all the students since I had missed a half of the semester and the midterms. I didn't mind much, at least I had something to do and it was productive which is a first for me. As you might tell by my sudden transfer I'm not from here, and what I mean by that is that I'm not from Japan. Yes I'm from earth, I'm what's known as the the "All American Sweetheart", well no, I'm far from it. I'm actually just a normal chick from the U.S, with tan skin, deep brown hair, and tired hazel eyes. That's me. Thankfully though, I can speak fluent Japanese, the only downside is that it took a whole 7 years to actually learn and speak it properly so there went my childhood.

I grip onto my student Id as I stand at the gates of UA high, the highest academy for up and coming heroes. This all feels like a dream, how did I even get here? It felt like I wasn't allowed in such a school, I felt out of place. The only proof that I belonged was the the card in my hand. I went into the school with no interruptions, no alarms, but still all eyes were on me. Lucky me was assigned to the "famous" class-1A. I attempted to blend behind three boys who were walking in the door, but thank to me being the odds one out and new, blending in was impossible.

"You there! Are you the new transfer student?"

I've been spotted.I watched as a dark blue haired male almost march to me as I was frozen in fear and couldn't say much. I looked up at him as he began to speak again.

"I am Tenya Iida, the class rep of Class-1A, I would like to welcome you to the class and hope you'll do your best. On another note, I would like to know what is your name."

I still couldn't reply, I averted my gaze away from him and murmured something that sounded like a name when a girl with short brown hair came up next to Iida.

"Iida! You're scaring her!" She scolded him as I looked back at the two, Iida catch himself and apologized for his manners which I awkwardly forgave him.

"Sorry, he can be a bit too forward at times. Oh! I'm Ochaco Uraraka, what's your name?"She smiled, and decided to smile back, confidence slowly coming back to me as relaxed a bit. She seemed trustworthy, and not as intimidating as the other guy.

"I'm Hazel, Hazel Tiller. But you can just call me Hazel" She seemed almost amazed by my name, she smiled brightly in awe.

"Wow your name is so pretty! I can see how you got it thanks to your eyes I'm guessing! Where're you from? If you don't mind me asking."


"Really? So you're new new here?!" I nodded in her awe

"Wow! Well I hope you like it here! It was nice meeting you Hazel!"

She waved and she walks off back to her seat with Iida following behind her. I headed to an empty seat near the window and put down all my stuff getting settled into the classroom. As I finally sat down a familiar group of boys walked up to my desk, the one with spiky red hair spoke first.

"You're the new transfer right? I'm Eijiro Kirishima!" He had a wide smile on his face showing off sharp shark like teeth but he wasn't scary at all. Me on the other had wide eyes and my jaw ad dropped staring at the boy in awe. How can one be so pure!! He must've noticed mt intense staring since his expression fell to a more confused one. I snapped out of my trance as my face heated up from utter embarrassment, it was amazing how quickly I can embarrass myself.

"O-oh, sorry for my staring... I'm Hazel Tiller, but you can call me Hazel." I smiled up at him as his smiles returned.

He introduced the two other boys behind him, the blond one was Denki Kaminari and the other one with jet black hair was Hanta Sero. After we had all been chatting for what felt like five minutes, Iida stood up and calmed down the class since it was about to begin. And this was when the wondrous feeling of dread came to me. I knew what was gonna happen but ignored the anxiety that was slowly creeping up on me. I watched our home room teacher, Mr. Aizawa, enter the room and greet the class. I locked eyes with him knowing what he'd say next.

"Now as you all know we have a new transfer student that'll be joining us for the rest of the semester." He looked back at me and continued

"Would you like to introduce yourself to the class."I nod and get up making my way to the front of the class trying to ignore what felt like millions eyes on me. I looked up at the class taking in a deep breath. I stayed calm making sure to speak clearly and calmly.

"Hello, I'm Hazel Tiller though, I'd rather you all call me Hazel, It's nice to meet you all." I ended it off with a smile as Mr. Aizawa thanked me and I made my way back to my seat. As class went on, I took the needed notes and doodled here and there. However the sudden thought hit me like a train.

                               Who the hell am I gonna sit with at lunch?

                                   ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉    ✼

O wow U survived the first chapter?! 10/10 im v proud uwu. Any who! If you would like i can continue this train wreck and maybe u can help! ^^ thanks again 4 readin!!


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