☁ Well That Was Tense ☁

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As we were dismissed for lunch, I slipped all my stuff into my bag as I thought of a game plan for my lunch seat. However it went all out the door as I heard footsteps coming my way. I darted my attention the sound to find it was Kirishima and the gang approaching me, well plus someone new. It was that boy from my row, he sat near the front. I remember him being called on in class, I think name was Bakugou? Anyway he didn't look so happy as he followed close behind Kirishima.

"Hazel! Wanna sit with us at lunch?" I looked back to Kirishima and nodded. Off we were to lunch as we sorted up small talk here and there.

Eventually we got the a booth and we all sat down, with me in between Kaminari and Sero with Kirishima and Bakugou in front of us. I poked my food with my fork as I listen into the conversations, laughing a bit as they joked. It was nice have "friends" or at least people to talk to. I thought since I had missed so much I might be an outcast but here I am sitting in a table of boys. One thing to say is that they were nothing like the boys back home, well at least the ones I've met, these guys were actually nice.

"So Hazel, where you from?" I turned to Kaminari who had brought the attention over to me, Kirishima budded in "Yeah! Did you say you were from America?" I nodded at the two smiling at their interest.

"I'm from the U.S actually, but not from the city as you might imagine. Actually the states are just now getting really popular with cities. I'm from Ohio, but from more of the outskirts. Though I visited the central often, that's where the main city is at." I was actually surprised I had told them so much, but I could trust them. Kirishima seem to be in awe just like Uraraka was.

"Did you have any cool friends back home?!"

I knew his question was innocent, his smile reassured it, but it still stung. I smiled and nodded, though it felt the knot in my throat grew. I couldn't explain because I would break down, I always did when it came to that. Though I did have amazing friends back home that actually helped me get into UA, there will be her. But I'd rather not dwell on that. As the conversation drifted away from me I looked over to that Bakugou kid. After some time he noticed my eyes and glared at me.

"What are you looking at idiot" A part of me knew he'd say that, but still I was a bit put off by it, I didn't back down though.

"Asshole..." I wasn't thinking, it kinda just came out. I had said it with a blank expression too which was surely to piss him off.

"What did you just call me?" He spoke louder, I was scared, I knew I had made a mistake. But somehow that didn't stop me. I looked up to him and repeated myself with the same blank face and steady tone.

"I called you an asshole..." This was definitely the end of me, we sat there for some time, his ruby red eyes piercing into my hazel ones. I sat still as Kirishima had his eyes on me and Kaminari and Sero looked at each other then to Bakugou. But nothing happened, He just scoffed and looked away.

"Say something like that again and I won't hesitate to blow your face off dumbass." That was all. I looked to Kirishima and tilted my head .

"What?" I said plainly attempting to break the tense atmosphere , slowly but surely conversation started up again and everything seemed fine. I looked back to Bakugou to find he was staring back. I was still terrified but somehow that didn't change my

                                  I could tell I wasn't gonna like him.

°。°。°。°。°。°。°。゜。°。°。°。°。°。°。°。°。°。°。゜。°。°。° °。°。°。°。°。°。

 Alright! Hoped you enjoyed chapter 2, I feel bad it came out so late. Anyway, this is just a fair warning that the next chapter might be a bit short but that's all because there will a pole at the end. Stay turned cause you opinions matter for the future of this book!! 

Bye! Cya next time <3 (ꈍ ˬ ꈍ✿)

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