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Hello my sweet children! Welcome to my thirty second book I promised in my one-shot book to give you guys another and here is that story it's a punk and pastel story line 'cause I freakin love these AU's so here are the triggers/warnings. Like I always do I will put the trigger/warning at the top of the page so my sweet children don't get triggered and get mad at me. Btw if you haven't read my content before don't read the other story's because those are SUPER OLD and they suck, I promise this one will be better I hope don't kill me. I do call my fans pet names such as Babes, Loves, Sweet Children I'm your new dad basically even though I'm female people call me daddy and dad. If you have a request just message me don't comment them 'cause I probably won't see it but I probably will but I prefer to message if you don't like that comment. As people know I make a LOT of references so if I use one of the names that you know you can freak out and comment I don't mind at all. Comment anything you want I don't get offended easily so go ahead and use the comments as kinda group chat. Don't hate on my books please I'm not about hate and if you do hate in the comments just stop and don't do it. Love you guys!!!




-Slight smut







If you see ^ these stars that means transitioning into a new scene so just roll with it. I don't use transitions like these in my OLDER books so it's confusing asf just don't read those.


End of Intro:

If you do like this story share it with more people if you want totally your choice. But uh that's all I gotta say in this intro enjoy the rest of the story and I love you guys sooooooo much <333

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