Chapter 3

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With Mr. Stevens trailing behind you, you headed back down to the first floor to print out another copy of the report to take with you out to lunch. You made him wait by the front desk while you dashed back to your office, hoping Christianna hadn't been out looking for you since you'd been gone longer than you expected. Seeing her face as you walked to your office, though, you realized there was no such luck on that front.

"Girl who is that FOINE ass man you got out there waiting on you?!" Christianna said, arms crossed and face curious as she leaned out your office to look at him. There was absolutely no shame in her game as she observed him from the doorway, taking note of his height and muscular physique. You were thankful the office was mostly cleared out for lunch, and luckily for you, the man in question had been too interested in his phone to notice your friend oogling him.

"If you don't get your nosy ass back in here!" you harshly whisper, snatching her arm up to pull her back inside and closing the door behind you. You spoke again, this time trying to keep the slight hysteria out of your voice so as not to give away your nervousness.

"He's here to go over the budget, so we're headed to lunch." You primly state, turning towards your desk to get started on printing the file. You didn't want her jumping to conclusions, but more importantly, you didn't want her harassing you and distracting you from keeping a clear and level mind. You were already anxious enough, and you really didn't need her adding to it.

Unfortunately for you, she didn't give a damn about your anxiety.

"Oh uh uh, you bout to tell me all about this nigga. I wanna know names, ages, and," she stopped, taking a second to peer through the blinds of the window, "where he works out, cuz I need to find me a nigga like him, gahDAMN."

"Really!?" you suck your teeth, walking over to pull her from the window, the blinds snapping as her fingers detach. You really wanted to laugh at your friends extra ass antics, but you also didn't want to encourage her to carry on her line of questioning.

You type in a few key strokes on the computer and hear the printer start whirring, hopping up from your desk to head to the corner with the printer.

"Bitch, I know you hear me," Christianna says, leaning back on her own desk and watching you, crossing her arms again. "Is this a date? How'd y'all meet?"

You were SO grateful that your office had a door attached to it, because otherwise, with the way you both talked to each other, there was no way you wouldn't have already gotten reprimanded and/or fired.

"Its not a date, alright? He's partnering with the museum with the Wakandan Outreach Program and Dr. Butler had an emergency, so she asked me to help. Ok?" You hoped that was enough information to keep her satisfied for the moment. You knew she'd have a barrage of questions once you got back, and you needed a full stomach and at least one drink to prepare for that.

"He's from Wakanda?! Ooo girl." You glance up interestedly at her as you stack the completed report in your hands, grabbing a manila folder. "I bet he's one of them mountaintop niggas. You know, I heard they got some of the biggest di-"

"GOODBYE CHRISTIANNA" you say, tuning her out. You grab your purse and coat from the back of the door and fling it open, heading back out to the front desk.

"Wait!" she called after you.

"So should I tell Chad you're taken?!"


Mr. Stevens volunteered to drive you both to lunch, suggesting you go to The Capital Grille, a place he'd found while you were busy in your office. You agreed, texting the information on to Christianna while you walked out to the parking lot. It was a beautiful day in D.C., and the bright sun gave a warm contrast to the cold air around you as you walked across the pavement. You heard the chirping of a car alarm and you looked up from your phone, trying to guess which one belonged to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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