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—>You flinch during a fight<—

~Kim Seokjin

Jin didn't have a high temper, so you two rarely fought. However, that only meant that when you did fight, it was even scarier.

But this was different. You'd never seen him with that look in his eye. He looked as though he could kill, which was a look you never thought you would see on his precious face.

Jin has been pretty stressed lately, and it seemed that everything you did made it worse. You would try to help him, but it almost always backfired.

Today was a particularly bad day for him, and it was the day before his mother's birthday. He planned to make a really difficult but delicious meal for her on her birthday, and you had tried to help.

All was well until you accidentally knocked over the pan containing the main dish as Jin carried it from the oven. You burned your arm, but Jin didn't care. He could only see red.

Usually food didn't get him near as upset, but he was already in a bad mood, and he had worked so hard on this meal.

He started yelling at you, completely ignoring the tears in your eyes from the harsh burn and his words.

He only snapped out of it when you were trapped between him and the wall, and you curled up in terror.

"P-please don't hurt me, I'm s-sorry," You whimpered.

His hand snapped up to his mouth in realization of what he'd done, and he almost lost it when you flinched at the sudden action.

"Oh my gosh," he cradled you in his arms, apologizing repeatedly.

"Ouch!" You quickly shielded your arm from him, only then did he notice the burn mark on your arm.

The rest of the night was spent with Jin pampering you to the max. He couldn't believe he'd gone so far as to hurt the person he loved most.

 He couldn't believe he'd gone so far as to hurt the person he loved most

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~Min Yoongi

Yoongi had been in the studio all day, writing lyrics to a piano piece. You knew he hadn't eaten anything all morning, so you made him a small soup for him to snack on.

You didn't want to bother him, so you were just going to go in and out. You knew he became really focused when he was writing lyrics, so you made it your main mission not to disturb him.

All was well when you quietly opened his studio door, tip toeing in. Just as you went to set the soup down on his desk, you slipped. The soup splattered all over his lyric papers, the words smudging in with the piano notes.

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