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Dawn's P.O.V.

Why did I agree to this? Why did I have to listen to Joaso? Why? Why? Why? I think as I run away from the Luna of the Skeleton pack. "Why are you chasing me?" I scream at the Luna.


"I am Alpha Dawn of the Silver-Death pack." I say stopping and looking at the Luna.

"Wait... An Alpha??? How???? The Silver-Death pack has been dead for... for... a long time. How?" The Luna said.

"Wait. You think that my pack is dead?" I say. The Luna nods. "Seriously? Wow! Umm, well then. I need to see all of your un-mated males. Please."

"Of course Alpha Dawn." The Luna says.

"Call me Dawn." I say.

"Of course. Follow me." The Luna said turning around. We walk into the ballroom and sit at a table. "Wait here and I will call for all of the un-mated males." The Luna said walking out of the ballroom.

"Wow. That was quick." I say to myself as she walks back in with 10 or so men.

"This is all the men without mates." The Luna said walking out. "I will give you some time to get acquainted with them."

"Can you please line up and no fighting." I say sweetly. The men obviously charmed by my sweet voice, line up without fighting and non-purposely they line up in alphabetical order. 'How odd. How did they do that?' I think.

The first man steps forward and introduces himself. "Hello Dawn, I am Steve Konerongto of the Skeleton pack."

"Hello Steve." I say kindly. 1 point to him. He was brown haired, blue eyed, light skinned, and had a long beard. "Please tell me about yourself." Steve and all the other men talk all about themselves but only Steve called me Dawn.

One of the men named Ford Wheel had all the characteristics that I wanted in a man. 2 points to Ford.

Ford was dark skinned, black eyed, ebony black haired, no facial hair, big, round, but sweet.

There was one man though. One man! One man! When we saw each other our eyes light up, our bodies shook, and as soon as that happened I knew who my mate was.

His name was Josh. He was kind, sweet, caring, loveable, brown haired, green eyed, light brown skinned, and stubborn.

"I know who my mate is." I say loudly.

"Who?" All the men ask all of them wanting it to be them.

"Drum roll please." I say. All the men do a drum roll. "It is... it is...Josh!" There were many 'ohhhhhhs.' and 'okay okay yay for Josh.' Everyone clapped and Josh walked up to me.

"Thank you Dawn. I will treat you as if you were my mate." He said.

"But I am your mate???" I say confused. "Am I not???"

"Sorry I have a girlfriend and I tell her that I will treat her as my mate, sorry." He said sadly.

"Well you need to break up with her and come back to my pack with me. Ok" I say forcefully.

"But I can't break up with her now." He said.

"Why?" I said annoyed.

"She is pregnant, that's why." He said annoyed.

"Ugh. Break up with her now!" I yell at him. "For your mate." I flash my eye lashes.

"Fine!" He said walking off.

Five minutes later

Josh walks back in with his girlfriend. "I have been told that my boyfriend has too break up with me because you are his mate." The girl said.

"That is true." I say confidently.

"Ugh. You are not his mate I am!" She yelled across the room.

"Did your eyes light up when you saw each other? Did you get this tingle down your spine when you saw him? Did you want to kiss him as soon as you saw him? Did you do any of these?" I say loudly. "You didn't did you?"

"You suck!" She screamed at me. "Josh I am breaking up with you because your 'mate' is a complete and utter idiot!"

"Thank you very much." I say proudly. "Oh and what is your name." I giggle.

"Dora. Dora White." Dora yelled walking out of the room.

"DORA!!!!!! DORA COME BACK!!!!!!" Josh yelled running after Dora.

"JOSH GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!" I yelled at the disappearing figure. "Ugh!" I scream sitting back into my chair.

One hour later

"Josh your back!" I say jumping out of my chair.

"I'm ready to go..." He said sadly.

"Ok. Let's go." I say feeling a bit guilty. We walk outside and shift into our wolf forms.

Josh's wolf form was a dark grey wolf with white paws and brown eyes.

Josh's P.O.V.
Dawn's wolf form was a beautiful ebony black coated wolf with white spiritual markings on her face, and white paws just like me. 'Dawn is really pretty as a wolf.' Josh thought. 'I am going to enjoy this.'


What is going to happen next in the next chapter of Her Destiny?

Happy New Years everyone!!!!!!! [Sorry it's late but I've been away so please forgive me :) ]

I have been really caught up with holidays still. Sorry. I really know that you wanted to read the next part of the story so... here you. The next part of the story.

From now on I will start putting in different parts of the story. There will be lots of character changes so that you can read what they are thinking as well.

Thank you for reading my book this far.

Alpha Annabelle 🐺

Her DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now