League of Villains: Raikiri

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Raikiri, a name that many Heroes and civilians fear! It's the name that belongs to the number 2 Villain in Japan, a very dangerous Villain that will kill every Hero or civilian in his way.

(y/n) POV

???: "up."

I feel something or someone shaking me, and I think I can hear a voice, but I am too tired to care so I ignore it.

???: "KE UP."

The shaking and the voice get stronger hence making it harder to ignore.

???: "WAKE UP."

Ok, whoever is trying to wake me up is gonna get their head bashed in real fast.

(y/n): "OI... WHO THE FUCK IS DISTURBING ME IN MY SLEE..............OH hi Himi-chan (Toga Himiko). Are you the one disturbing my sleep?" I ask her while opening my (e/c) eyes and stretching.

Himiko: „Yes sleepy head it's time to get up. Tomu-chan says he needs us at the bar. Well more like you since everyone else is already there." she answers while having her wonderful cat like grin plaster her face.

(y/n): "*sigh* ok give me a sec and let me get dressed and shit" I reply while getting up from my bed and making my way over to the bathroom, but not before grabbing fresh clothes.

Himiko: "Wow I only had to try once to wake you up today, I'm so proud of you." she says while slowly walking over to me in the bathroom, where I'm only in my underwear.

Now you may think that the number 2 Villain Raikiri would be very fit and all that other stuff, but no you see the thing is I'm a very lazy person meaning my fitness level is very low, thank God I am still good-looking while being shirtless or naked for that matter. Ehem.... so ... where was I? Ah yeah, I was gonna talk about my Quirk a bit.

To compensate for this my Quirk control and capabilities are very high, so high in fact that I am now number 2 Villain in Japan. As for the question what my Quirk is, it's lightning/electricity control. I love my Quirk because it has massive AoE capabilities that do massive damage to any human getting hit by it. Oh, did I mention that I can transform into lightning hence it being my main way of transportation and escaping from Heroes. It always works I mean not many things are faster than lightning not even that shitty speed Hero Ingenium. Shooting lightning is always fun too. Though that's not everything I can do but that's something for later. Anyway, I'm getting off topic here.

So here I am in underwear and with me a pretty girl in my bathroom. That would normally be kinda embarrassing for both parties involved, but we are in a relationship, sort of.

Himiko: "Ne (n/n) wanna take a shower with me?" she asks me while purring in a seductive voice and taking her clothes off.

(y/n):" I'm mean why even ask???? Of course, I want to take a shower with you, but we can't have too much fun unfortunately since Nii-san (Shigaraki Tomura) needs us." My reply while we enter the shower.

(Time skip brought to you by (y/n) and Himiko taking a shower together)

After Himi-chan and I took a shower, got dressed and had a very heated kiss we went over to the bar where we greeted everyone and were greeted back by Nii-san who was sitting on a bar chair at the counter, Smoke Dad, Mom or just Kuro (Kurogiri) who was behind the counter cleaning that damn glass again, Dabi-nii (Dabi duh) who was sitting at a table in the corner with a drink in hand and Dad All for One, Adoptive father) who was unsurprisingly on the T.V.

Toga and I walk over to the couch and sit down, more like I sit on the couch and Toga on my lap being happy as always.

(y/n)"So guys what could possibly be so important that you had to wake me so early?" I ask in a cold voice, while everyone else was just sweat dropping.

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