Fatal Bullet - Second Shot

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Staring at Eugeo, Kirito have so many question right now, Eugeo was deleted in Alicization, his fluctlight suppose to be deleted, just who is this person in front of him? Or is it really just an AI?

Kirito's POV

"Hm..." I keep staring in Eugeo's eyes, they are the same color as the real Eugeo, just... I'm so confused, during the fight with Quinella, he was destroyed... Then why is he here...? I think I'm gonna ask him some question.

"So... An ArFA-sys... What exactly are you?"

"Oh, good thing you asked, ArFA-sys is short for Artificial Financial Adviser System, meaning that I'm gonna keep your money and advice you how to spend it."

"Can you do anything else...? Since I can keep my own money, that sounds kinda useless to me." I ask him with cold voice to test if he show any emotion, normal AI wouldn't show human emotion.

"Um... *wet eyes* You want me to say it... I'm actually an ArFA-sys type S, stand for slave, just kidding, ArFA-sys type S, a support."

'He's... not an AI at all.' "So what can you do?"

"I can heal you in battle, suppress fire, sniping, hunting, securing target, defense, I can use all kind of weapon, and adapt to your battle style, Kirito-sama."

"Wow... That's... great!" Impressive... I didn't thought he could do that much for an ArFA-sys, so my point is clear, he ain't AI, he's a piece of fluctlight from Eugeo. But to make sure...

"Hey Yui, can you check Eugeo's database for me?"
"Already on it!"

After Yui completed, the source of Eugeo's data is coming from a ??? world, which mean it's Underworld, or atleast somewhere not from GGO. According to Yui, Eugeo transfered himself and broke his fluctlight on the way, resulting on this.

"Eugeo... Since Asuna and others are not here, mind coming with me? The first solo round of the club event is on anyways!" I smile at Eugeo, talking to him like my friend, still right now he doesn't remember anything about me...

"Yes sir! Just give me a moment!"

Eugeo came out with his uniform, it's very Eugeo-y, simple, elegant. His eyes is on fire telling me he's really excited for the first battle with his master.

I went to the shop to buy Eugeo some weapon since I just got him.

"So as you mentioned earlier, you can use all sort of weapon...? Or atleast, almost?" I tilt my head and question Eugeo, who answered right away.
"Yeah, you can give me anything and I'll do my best with it to help you!"

He seems so obedient... Well I just happen to have enough money to buy a set of throwing daggers, wanna test out how would he react to such a weapon.

"Thank you master! I'm really happy that you bought this for me!! *cry happily*"
... I expect him to hate them daggers... Oh well, after that I lead the way to the battle center, where we join our first mission.

"So... Bounty hunting... Artifact finding... Assassination... Hey this assassination sounds kinda good! We have to assassinate a gunslinger."
Picked up the quest <<To the West>>. Eugeo and I left the gate on horse back.

"Eugeo... Don't mess this up 'kay?"
"I hope not... I'm kind of clumsy..."

Arriving at the saloon, we get off our horses and begin investigating about this "gunslinger".
His name is FL4SH, fastest gun in the West, and he is right out side, Eugeo can see him through the window.

"There he is... Better be ready! He might saw us, and the fact that he is a player make this even harder!"
"I'm gonna go outside and scout, you stay in here and wait for my signal master!"

Me, carrying a sword, Eugeo, bunch of throwing daggers. This. Is. Hard.

As Eugeo step outside, FL4SH draw his pistol at Eugeo, Eugeo quickly dodge to the left but the bullet still hit his right shoulder. He really is like a flash.

"Tch... I'm hit. Master! Don't risk yourself! If we... If I die here, we won't lose anything beside my throwing daggers! So just run! I'll deal with FL4SH!"

Eugeo such an idiot... I'm not gonna leave my partner behind, never.
I ran outside with my lightsaber (Yeah I still love it). I cut the bullet and it ricochet to a metal piece behind me and it ricochet again to my left arm.

"Urgh... This guy is tough. HEY FL4SH! EAT THIS FLASHBANG!" I quickly throw a flashbang but as I throw it out, FL4SH shot it and make it explode before my eyes, I'm blinded, Eugeo is right there waiting for something. But it's too late, FL4SH dash forward and knock me out with a stun bullet.

Eugeo's POV

"Master!!! YOU!!!" Something inside me... broke free. Maybe it's my rage, or is it the love to my master? I just want to save him, I failed, so I have to kill FL4SH to avenge my master.

"This is to make my master victorious!" I quickly ran out of my cover, FL4SH shot the rest of the bullets on his gun at me, but somehow I was able to dodge them all. I ran at FL4SH quickly before he could even realized, he's dead.

"Release Recollection!" (Idk what am I saying it just came up in my mind) Suddenly a sword made of what seems like glass but it's extremely cold and heavy appear on my back, with my instinct I grab it and stab FL4SH.

His body had frozen in ice, I exhausted, I took a dagger from FL4SH to my tummy too... But I used the rest of my stamina and HP to carry my Master home...

The next day, Kirito's POV

"Hey Eugeo! How are you?"
"I'm... I'm good master, thank you for caring for me, how about you?"
"You don't seems happy... What's bothering you?"
"Well I have this weird dream..."

Again, AI don't dream, I'm not 100% sure this is Eugeo's Fluctlight.

"What is it?"
"You died and left me here alone... It's scary."
"Don't be silly, if I die I'd be respawn anyways right?" I tried to cheer Eugeo up but his mood is still kinda bad, so I gave him the reward we got from FL4SH yesterday.

"This is the crimson. FL4SH's revolver, I'm giving to you, with some allowance for being good ;)"

And his face brighten right away just like a spoiled kid...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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