Letting Go part2

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Later that night.

Lyric POV

I got dress in a white backless sundress. Trey and I are going to the beach to let go of everything. That happen in our relationship. Isabella birthday is today. I just need to realize she gone and she's not coming back. Trey and I was walking on the beach and I saw a roses form in a circle with candles in the middle if them.

Lyric: You did this.

Tremaine: Yea

Lyric: It's so pretty.

We walk in the middle of circle and held hands.

Lyric: What do we say.

Tremaine: What we feel and what we should say if she was here.

Lyric: Can you go first.

Tremaine: Isabella it's your daddy. I love you so much and I wish you was here. Your always be my first daughter no matter what. I miss you like crazy. I want you to be with us. I really don't know what to say. I will always love no matter what. Watch over mommy and daddy. Take care of Jason for us. I love Babygirl your forever mine.

Lyric: Ummm Trey I don't think I can do this.

Tremaine: Baby you have too.

Lyric: It hurts to much.

Tremaine: I know it does. You have to do it. I'll help you ok.

Lyric: Ok. He rub my back and I stood in front of him. He held my hand from behind.

Tremaine: Just take your time and breath.

Lyric: Ummm baby I love. I miss you. I want to hold you and kiss you. I don't know why you left. If I could get you back I would. I try anything in the world to get you back but I can't. You are my pride and joy you and your brother keep me going. I don't know what I would without your father if he wasn't here to help me through this. Trey kisses my head. Isabella I love you so much. Jason I love you too. I need to let you guys go so I can be ok. Daddy and I can be ok. I will never forget you guys. When I lost you I didn't know what to do. I knew if I kept going you would be ok. You mean the world to me. I promise you I'll love you forever and ever. One day all of us will be together. Take care of your brother and watch after Grandma Melody and Grandma Jenn. I love you forever and you will always be for. Trey I can't let them go. Please don't make me do this.

I turn around and buried my head in his chest. I hug him tightly. I cried hard.

Lyric: I I I can't let my baby go. I I I just can't.

Tremaine: Sssshhhh it's ok. It's hard for me too. I don't want to let them go either babe. They will always be in our heart. If me want to live our life we have to move past this.

Lyric: I don't want to. I can't let them go. I lost them once I can't I won't lose them again.

Tremaine: I don't want to let them go either. Do this for them. Remember Isabella said we are get someone that will be special. She will never forget you and we will never forget them. We have to say goodbye but it's not forever. We'll get through this together. I'm not leaving you again. I love you. I'll help you with this ok. Just trust me.

Lyric: I love you too. I trust you. I kiss him. Trey wipe my tears away.

Tremaine: Go ahead.

Lyric: Isabella I'm not ready to let got but I have to. I love you and I always will. I'll never forget you. Your always in my heart Babygirl. I need you to take care of Jason for me. Your forever mine.

Trey held me. I cried for a while. Trey lit the lantern and we both held onto it.

Tremaine&Lyric: Forever Mine.

We let it go and the roses blew away. We watch the roses and the lantern go away. I guess Isabella was listening. Trey kiss my head. He rub my stomach. I put my hands on his hands. We intertwine fingers.

Tremaine: I love you future Mrs. Neverson.

Lyric: I love you too Mr. Neverson.

Tremaine: You ok baby.

Lyric: Yea we need that.

Tremaine: Come on let's go.





I want to make a shout out to @JaySongz143_Yuuup. Go read her story for me and comment and vote.

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