Chapter Two: Isaak.

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Isaaks POV:
I've been scared. Katie and Sorina seem REALLY upset with me hahaha.  DAMNIT. I'm doing that nervous awkward laugh thing again. I'm so scared though, I don't want to loose those kiddos. They have been there through thick and thin and I can't leave them now. I want them in my life because they are some of the most loyal, trusting, and amazing people I've met ever, it's just.... We've grown now. My dad is sick. My girlfriend will probably be my wife in a few years. My brother, Dakota is getting married next week. I don't know what to do in life anymore. I don't know how possible it will be to see them...

     Suddenly my phone dings. Sorina. My face brightens up at the thought of those two. They live together now... All grown up.

     As soon as I read the text I got into my car and drove to their house. I memorized the address from months ago when Katie told me on the phone. It took an hour to get there but I didn't care. Not one care in the world as long as I could see them.

Katie's POV:
Sorina walked back into the kitchen.
     "I texted Isaak." She said. My face lit up, but she wasn't finished, "That dumbass left me on read. Maybe the fame IS getting to his head." A tear rolled down her face, and we were both silent for a while.
    "Go um... Go upstairs and relax." I tell her.

     Later that day I'm sitting on the couch going through all my texts with Isaak. Starting from the first time we ever texted. July 23, 2018.

    Suddenly I hear a knock at the door. A tall strong man comes in in a black hood and some ripped jeans. I looked at the hoodie for a second noticing a signature. The man takes his hood down. Isaak. I run to him and hug him for a long time.
     "Haha, Hey, Kiddo." He says, "Bella and I missed you. Now where's Sorina?"
     "SORINA! HES HERE!" I yell. Sorina comes to the top of the stairs and looks down.
     "Isaak..." She says smiling. She runs down the stairs and jumps into his arms as he spins her around. "Ahh I love you guys." He says.
     "I got us tickets to Disney, California. So if y'all wanna go we need to leave now. It'll only take about 45 minutes to get there, we can catch up in the car." He says smiling.
     "YES!" We both say.

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