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I added a random character to this story, do not search him up. He isn't real, I needed a person for this plot. Okii enjoy.

[Third Person]

Misaki was making dinner for him and his lover, Akihiko Usami, known for his boy love books.

The teen had noticed his lover's odd behavior. The male adult wasn't clinging onto Misaki like he'd normally does. This had been happening for over a week.

'Has Usagi-san been over his deadline? Is that why he isn't giving me the attent-'

"Ahh!! What am I thinking?!" The brown-haired teen exclaimed and grips onto his hair.

"I sound like a needy person..." Misaki whines as he finished setting the table.

Walking to the room his lover was in he knocks, "Usagi-san, dinner's ready."

He waited for a couple of seconds only to hear nothing. Repeating his sentence once more, there was only silence.

Getting irritated, Misaki opens up the door to see the author writing with full concentration.

"Usagi-san, dinner is ready. Come eat." The teen demanded as the author lazily looked up to his younger lover.

"Eat by yourself today, just wrap it up for me." He nonchalantly said piercing Misaki's heart.

Again, he rejected to eat dinner with Misaki.

"Fine." Misaki gritted his teeth and shuts the door.

Theories were scattering throughout the teen's mind. All of the scenarios came out negative and negative only.

*Ring ring*

A buzz came from Misaki's pocket, answering it was his friend, Sumi.

"Moshi mosh?" Misaki answered, "Oh Misaki! Have you had dinner yet?"

"H-huh? N-no I didn't, why do you ask?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go with me. There's a new restaurant downtown, and I thought of you." The male chuckles as Misaki smiled softly.

"Yeah I'll go. When do you want to go?"

"Now, I'm already outside." Sumi claimed as Misaki jumps, "What?! Okay I'm coming."

The teen ended the call and put on his coat, "I'm going with Sumi to eat."

At that Usagi came out of his room. Approaching his lover his grabbed Misaki's wrist, "No you're not going."

This made Misaki angry, he snatched his wrist back, "I'm going whether you like it or not."

A ring came from the door and there was a stranger Misaki had never knew of, "Takashi? What are you doing here?"

The man had black hair, a good figure, and was pretty tall. The thing that pulled on the hearts of Misaki was that he was handsome.

"I'd figure I stopped by and say his to my old crush." The male boldly stated as Misaki gasped.

He walked through Usagi and slammed the door to the car that was waiting for him.

"Sorry for making you wait." The boy apologized as his friend simply smiled and went out to eat with only one thing in Misaki's mind.

When almost arriving Misaki couldn't hold it in, "I'm sorry Sumi-san but can you take me back home."

"Huh? Oh yeah sorry for forcing this on you." The orange haired male apologized, "No it's fine. I just..."

"It's because of your roommate?" Sumi finished for Misaki as he blushed and nodded.

"I figured. I knew I didn't have a chance anyways. That guy that came too seem fishy too." The male concluded his words as they drove back.

[Usagi's POV]

"Takashi, why did you decided to show up." The grey haired author lit up his cancer stick and blew out a puff of smoke.

"Still see you're still smoking, but I just wanted to see my high school friend and crush. Is that wrong?" The male asked.

"Yes. Misaki's upset because of it." Usagi blandly replied as Takashi tilted his head.

"Misaki? That boy? Who is he?" Takashi questioned as he stood up and walked towards the stoic author.

"Someone I cherish, now leave I have work." The author strictly said as Takashi laid himself on the male.

"Why don't you like me Usami." Takashi made his question as a statement creating a serious atmosphere.

"Get off of me Takash-mmpf!" The black haired male locked lips.

The door opened to reveal a panicked male, dropping his bag of stuff he had in his hand, "O-oh.. I-I'm sorry f-f-for intruding."

Before Usami knew it, Misaki ran out of the house, "Wait Misaki!"

Takashi gripped onto the male when Usami ripped his arms from the obsessive male, "You have now made me angry. Get out now." The grey haired male chased after his young lover.

Takashi smirks, "There you go. You haven't changed at all Usami." He left the house and headed home.

~ ~ ~

[Third Person]

"Misaki!" Usagi called out for the brunette. Searching everywhere, not knowing where he might be. Wanting to give up he headed home to call everyone to help him.

When arriving at the house he saw Misaki's coat tossed by the couch. Holding it close to him, he heard sniffles coming from his room.

"Mi-saki..." Usagi whispered as the sniffles stopped, "Go away." The teen demanded.

Usagi didn't obey those commands and sat on the bed revealing his crying partner, "Misaki..."

"Go. Leave me alone." The brunette started to hide his face, "You make me angry, you're so frustrated. You perverted bunny."

Usagi hugged his lover in his arms when he felt his shirt being tugged on. "I know you're tired of me. Just tell me so I can leave! It's been over a week since you've payed attention to me! A-and it makes m-me angry! I-I love y-y-you and it hurts!"

Misaki's heartfelt message reached out to Usagi. His eyes widen at how Misaki has been feeling, loving every moment of it.

Tilting the younger male's head he passionately kisses him, slipping his pink muscle into Misaki's wet cavern- claiming what's his.

This caused Misaki to moan, as he grew sexually frustrated from the pass week and a half.

Usagi started to suck onto the male's tongue with his lips rubbing against the pink muscle of his lover, savoring it's taste.

"A-ah, U-usagi." Misaki whimpered when Usagi threw the blanket that was covering the teen and placed himself between his lover's legs laying him down without breaking their lip contact.

"I'm sorry for neglecting you, I wanted to see how you reacted and this was a perfect outcome. You begging for me attention is the sexiest thing I've heard." He whispered into Misaki's ear as the brunette gripped onto his shirt.

"I hate you... I hate you for making me like this."

"I love you too, now that you've begged for my attention I won't hold back."

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