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"You must be excited to finally be outside," Sangwoo says with a short chuckle. You guys pull out of his home street and you look out the window of his car.  You frown slightly when you notice a black-haired boy hiding behind a car. You crane your neck as your eyes sparked with slight recognition. Before you can make him out, Sangwoo places a heavy hand on your thigh. "I am talking to you, MN. How long are you planning on keeping up this silent treatment?" 

You glare at him and in instant he elbows you on your side. The pain sears your already bruised body. You're eyes blurry with tears as you place your head on the window. 

"I can take this away when I want," he says quietly. "Remember that. Your life is no longer yours. It's mine." He then smiles as if nothing had happened, "The clothes I got you fit you perfectly don't they?"

 He bought these clothes for you last night on his way to dispose of Ji Eun's body. Your stomach is somersaulting with memories. How many days had it been? Not many. Not many at all. Yet, you feel you had been here for years. Your life, for certain, was irrevocably changed. When you arrive at school you build your facade as you had always done. You have time to prepare yourself as you walk through the parking lot. Sangwoo watches you. His warnings in your thoughts.

"You run. I'll call the police and turn you in. The only DNA in her body is yours." 

You always had control. You always had control of everything. Now, not even your future is yours. You put up your smile when you enter the halls. You had already developed perfect excuses. You assume it's paranoia when you see eyes on you and whisperings. You say good morning, but their gentle retorts don't sound convincing. Sangwoo's classroom is the first door of the hall. He gives you one last look before entering and you go to yours, your mind racing about the many ways you are going to try to escape him. All you want is to live in the world you had created yourself. The world where you were free, where you didn't have to worry about emotions, friendships, or relationships. You had worked so hard to build this for yourself. You didn't even let your own brother ruin this for you.

You enter the classroom fresh-faced even if your body aches. You don't limp even though your hip bones are engorged. When you walk to your desk and you look at the wide eyes of two of the members of the student council, your heart skips a beat. The professor wasn't in class yet and you immediately realize that it wasn't your imagination anymore. People were, in fact, staring at you. 

Il-Sung, the vice president,  walks to you, worry on his face, "President we have been trying to communicate with you!"

Chae-won, the treasurer, interrupts, "Are you alright?"

"We support you no matter what," Il-Sung says, "But it won't be long until they hold a meeting. The student government feels betrayed."

"What are you talking about," your voice cracks without your control. And that is when he shows you his phone.

"Haven't you seen the texts I sent you?" He slides his thumb on the screen and that is when he shows you the posters that were all over the school the day you disappeared. The posters with the real name you had before you moved here. 

Who really is MN?


 It has your picture on it.  It has the place you were born in. It shows pictures of the men you've used to make wealth for yourself. This was Ji Eun's doing. Only she knew so much.

She had won. 

In death, Ji Eun had destroyed your entire world. Your body begins to shake as your facade smashes in pieces in front of you. You don't hear them speak anymore. You don't see their eyes. You turn on your heel and run. You don't think about the consequences of doing so. With every step, you leave pieces of yourself behind. The you, you had created, no longer existed. The only thing was left was this filthy, hollow self that you hated so much.

Ji Eun had won. She would drag you deep into the grave she was buried in.

Sangwoo knows it's you that runs because he hears the shouting of your name. He stands up abruptly from his desk, throwing the textbook from it. He rushes out of the classroom and sees only your tears when you run past him. You don't even look at him. He is about to chase after you when his friends catch up to him and surround him. Explaining to him what was happening, he sees the images, he sees the words. It makes him angry and happy at the same time. You had been destroyed by the girl he had just killed. 

Now, the only person that remained in your world was him.

Sangwoo excuses himself and goes to find you. He doesn't see you at the parking lot. He doesn't see you at the place where you had talked to your brother the day you had met. For a second, he begins to panic. For if you no longer had nothing to live for, it didn't matter if you went to jail or not. He calls the disposable phone he had given you, but you don't answer. He begins to panic. He starts roaming the school in search of you. He reaches the entrance of the college and grabs his keys inside his jeans heading towards the parking lot. He only stops when someone calls out to him.

"Oh Sangwoo?" A trembling voice calls

Sangwoo had seen this guy before but he wasn't sure where. He turns to him just slightly. "I am in a hurry."

"Oh, but I know where you can find your roommate. That is who you're looking for, right?" Yoon Bum shoves his hands in the pocket of his coat. Sangwoo freezes midstep.


Yoon Bum points to the street. "He took a taxi."

Sangwoo frowns at the strange guy before running to his car.

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