Chapter 16: can you keep a secret?

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Tae's pov

The next day when I woke up, I saw a sleeping Rose. She really is beautiful. I could stay like this forever. I moved a stray piece of her hair out of her face. I saw her eyes starting to flutter open.

"Good morning."

She yawned, with her adorable morning voice.

"Good morning."

We got up and got dressed. I thought about last night. It truly was amazing. While we were fixing breakfast, we heard the door bell ring. Rose went to get it. Then I heard the voice that I have been dreading.

"Rose, we are back."

"Mom,dad. What a surprise."

I started to panic. I need to hide. I quickly ran up stairs, and hide in her closest.

I heard footsteps come up into the room.

"Mom, you don't have to come in here. We can talk about your trip in the living room."

"Don't be silly, it's not like your binding anything."

My heart started to pound. What do I do? When fear started to rise in me, I heard the bedroom door close.

"So honey, how was your weekend. Done anything exciting?"

"No. Not really. Just stayed at home, all by myself."

I had to stay in that closest for at least thirty minutes and wait for her mom to leave. When I finally heard the door close. The closest doors opened.

"You can come out now. She is gone."

I walked out and breathed a huge sigh. I walked out and asked her..

"How do I get out of here?"

She pointed to the window. I looked at her pleading.


I went to the window and looked down. We were on the second floor. Here it goes, I took one step and then I fell.


"Are you ok?"


As I got up and walked, I turned around and waved bye to her. I walked back home, as I walked I got a phone call...

<Tae> Hello?

<jin> Hey, why did you not come home?"


<Tae> I went to a friends house.

<jin> What friend,

Think Tae, think.

<Tae> I went to a friend, that you don't know.

There was a slight pause.

<jin> Yeah, sure. Come over for a little bit. I need to talk to you.

<Tae> Alright I am on my way.

I walked over to Jin's house.

Once at the front door, I heard him opening.

"Hey what do you need me for?"

"I need to ask you one more time, where were you last night?"

I froze on the spot. If I tell him the truth, what will he say?

"It's none of your business."

"You were with Rose last night, were you?"


"You two did not doing anything right?"

I could not speak.


"Yes, we did."

He came up to me and.... gave me a hug?

"What are you doing?"

"My little boy, is all grown up."

"Let go of me."

He did. We mainly talked about Rose and me. I told him that I loved her. I told him, that I remembered while I was asleep. I heard her say I forgive you.

I was glad she had finally forgiven me. I talked to Jin about a plan. In two weeks it is valentines day, and I don't know what to do. I really want to do something special for her.

She is my first love. She has always been the one for me. Ever since I laid my eyes on her. I still regret what I did to her, but I am glad she forgives me.

I love Rose, with all my heart. On Valentine's Day I will show my love to her. It will be a day she will never forget...
Hello!!! Sorry it was so short... I hoped you enjoyed!

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