Chapter 6

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Shoto "Hey, can we go to your place?"

Me "Why?? This is the first time I've been here in a while"

Shoto "I-I know but it just feels empty here"

Me "It'll feel just as empty at my house"

Shoto "Please, love..."

Me "Is something wrong?"

Shoto "No.. I just want to go to your house"

Me "Fine, let's go"

He grabbed all my things and we headed down to my house.

Me "Are you okay Todoroki? Something's on your mind, Nd it isn't good, I can feel it"

Shoto "N-No, I'm okay"

*Todoroki: How do I tell her?*

My heart started pounding louder and louder.

Shoto "Everything will be okay"

"Will be"? Something's definitely wrong.

As we got closer I saw a bunch of police cars parked outside. There was at least 6.

Me "Shoto.."

There also was an ambulance. The red and blue flashing lights were hard for me to look past.

A few of my neighbors ran up to me.

Neighbor 1 "Sweetie I'm so sorry"

She hugged me.

Me "What's wrong?? What happened!?"

Her and her husband looked at each other.

Neighbor 2 "Honey,.. *He put his hand on my shoulder* your father... passed away"

Me "no. NO, YOURE WRONG! *i pushed his arm away* HE WOULD NEVER LEAVE ME"

I started running.

Shoto "Aurora, no!!"

The yard and door had yellow hazard tape all over.

I ducked it and ran to the door.

Officer "You can't go in there!"

Me "I live here!"

I tried turning the door knob. Tears were streaming down my face. Aizawa ran over to me.

Aizawa "Aurora,

Me "No! I want to go inside!"

I tried to transform but Aizawa cancelled it.

Aizawa "Aurora, stop"

He tried to embrace me but I shoved him and grabbed a rock.

Aizawa "Aurora!"

I smashed the window and jumped in.

Me "Dad! Dad where are you?!"

I looked around and I couldn't find him. Then I went into his bedroom. There was blood everywhere, it smelt rotten.

I knelt down in the blood and started crying even harder.

Me "Dad, WHY?"

A few officers came in and grabbed me. I tried fighting them back but one pulled a gun out on me.

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