Chapter Four: Love Is A Strong Word

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When the boys woke up, they realized everybody had already left. Harry smiled at Draco, which caused him to blush a bit. He ran to the bathroom because he would be DAMNED if Potter saw him blushing. He got changed, and was about to walk out the door when, he turned around to see Harry asleep again. "Aguamenti" he whispered, and he almost cried of laughter when he saw Harry wake up, soaked, scared, and tired. Harry took Draco's wand, and threw it across the room. The blond didn't react very well to that. He was still laughing though, so that was one good thing. "Hey Draco, wanna go to The Three Broomsticks?" Harry asked casually. "No thanks, I have to finish our essay on the Great Goblin War." He replied. Harry looked kind of down, but left anyways. The whole day, Draco didn't see him, until night came, and a very drunk Potter staggered into the room. "Potter, what the bloody hell is wrong with you?" Draco asked, looking confused. "EvEryThing" Harry replied in a slurred voice. He staggered around, until he fell into Draco's bed, and fell asleep. Draco looked disgusted, but Potter was too heavy, and Draco was pretty thin, so he couldn't lift him up. Since he was already in his pajamas, he decided to just leave Harry like that, and sleep anyways. At one point during the night, Harry threw his arm around Draco, and he had to admit, he didn't completely hate it. He actually slept peacefully.

When Harry woke up, he was shocked to see Draco standing there, arms crossed, and stern expression looking at him. "Why am I in your bed?" He asked. "Well, you were drunk, and stupid, basically every day you, and you fell on my bed, so I decided to leave you there." Draco replied. Harry started arguing, asking why he didn't just dump him on the bed. Draco started yelling back that he couldn't do anything
Just then, Ron walked into the room, and clumsily, but quickly, took out his wand and jumped to Harry's side. Harry then started arguing with Ron that he "shouldn't have jumped to conclusions" or that he "didn't have to do that", but then Hermione walked in and silenced them all. Then Draco made everybody get out. "I'm... sorry." He struggled, but it finally came about as though someone had hit him in the gut. Harry responded with a muttered "I'm sorry too..." and they just stayed in silence.

As Harry walked out of the common room, he got cornered by Cho Chang.
"Hello, Harry!" She said, seeming strangely happy. "Hello, Cho" Harry replied back, feeling a bit scared. "Um... Harry?" Cho muttered, blushing a bit.

         "Would you go on a date with me?"

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