Chapter 3

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I stretched my arms out then fluttered my eyes open. I was covered in warm fuzzy blankets and noticed my head was resting on a big puffy pillow. I didn't remember falling asleep on a bed, I could've sworn it was the couch. I turned my head and saw Niall sound asleep beside me. He must've brought me back up to his room. I fell back onto the beds soft maitress and curled up beside Niall. I couldn't seem to fall back asleep and was thankful when I noticed Niall's eyes crack open, revealing his gorgeous sparkling blue eyes. 

"Morning," Niall rubbed his eyes and blinked rather fast. I laughed and did the same, mocking him in an enjoyable way. He laughed at me and pulled my hands away from my face. 

"Did you sleep okay?" 

"Yeah! How did I get up here?" I rested my head back on the puffy pillow and closed my eyes for a brief couple minutes. 

"Well, I thought you'd sleep better up here on an actual maitress. I carried you up." I opened my eyes and looked at him, smiling like a complete idiot. 

"Thanks then" I closed my eyes again, still tired. I didn't tell my mom where I was, but she probably figured I was out at Peytons again. Talking about Peyton, where was she?

"Niall, where's Peyton?" 

"Oh, she's with Zayn on the couch still. I think Zayn's going to ask her out today." I smiled at the thought of Peyton having a boyfriend, it was adorable. 

"Aubrey, you don't know about me and the lads that much, do you?" I starred at him, completely confused.

"Well, it's only been a couple of days, so obivously..." I didn't understand what he was trying to get too.

"But you don't know about our past together?" I shook my head, I thought they were all just close friends. 

"We're a band. We're called One Direction." I looked at him, shifting my head to the side. I think i've heard them on the radio before, I instantly sung out the chorus and waited for him to give me the look of approval. 

"So you do know who we are!" he was grinning now, apparently it was a good thing for me to know.

"Well, not really. I've only heard you a couple times on the radio, that's it." He was still grinning, but it was slightly smaller than before. He pulled the hair away from my face and tucked it behind my ears, tracing my facial structure. Part of me wanted to lean in closer, entwine my effection with his. The other part of me wanted to back away, get out of his bed and look for Peyton. I couldn't decide what to do so I decided to fall in the middle. I pulled slightly away, but still remained close. I texted Peytons number and waited for her reply. 

"Hey, where are you?"

One New Message; Peyton;

"Downstairs with Zayn. Having some breakfast. Wbu?" 

"Upstairs with Niall. Be down soon."

I put my phone away and pulled closer to Niall, unable to stay away from him. I rested my head on his chest and felt his fingers twirl around with my hair. I giggled softly as he tickled my neck with the tips of his fingers. After awhile I finally suggested breakfast. 

"Yum! Food sounds good to me!" He jumped out of bed and went towards his door. I followed shortly behind and we arrived in the kitchen together. I looked out the window and saw the shimmering, glowing white snow covered everywhere. Everything was in a sea of white. I had no idea how Peyton and I would get back home. I shoved the thought aside and enjoyed things in the moment. Niall and I had breakfast together and talked with Harry and Louis who were goofing off and play fighting over the TV remote. Liam was talking to Peyton and Zayn, something to do with her schooling. I looked out the front window, trying to find my car. It wasn't there. There was so much snow you couldn't see a thing.

"Niall, I don't think Peyton and I can make it home today, the weather is too nasty." 

"Well, that's fine with me! Snow day for us!" He shoved his elbow lightly into my side and I pushed my shoulders into his upper arm. He laughed and continued to eat his breakfast, filling his mouth with food. I would text my mom later, explaining my situation. She'd understand. For now all that mattered was my time spent with Niall.

Heey. Thanks For Reading Again! Xx

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