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Lizzy's P.O.V
Brea: *walks in blue literally colour blue*
Lizzy: What ha...
Brea: No need for questions, it's time for revenge
Cree: Oh, I'm so proud
Brea: Tonight we strike, I, Jade and Siena go here, Cree, you, Maddie and Lizzy here
Cree: Wait who are we against?
Brea: Lance
Cree: I taught you well
Brea: First I have to go change and get this blue stuff outta my hair
Maddie: In time for first period?
Brea: Wait, what time is it?
Siena: 7: 50...Woah time passes quick
Brea: You guys should start going , so you won't be late
Cree: Kay, bye
*we leave*
Cree's P.O.V
Cree: *walks to her locker and suddenly can't see* Uhhh, what's going on?
???: Guess
Cree: *removes hands on her eyes* Are you crazy?
Thomas: Ummm, no, can't I tell my girlfrie...
Cree: Shhh, don't you remeber this is on the D.L
Thomas: But I hate the D.L, D.L means down low right?
Cree: Yes
Thomas: Oh thanks, but I hate the D.L
Cree: Dude, I'm a princess, in fact I've been leading for 2 years, do you think I'm supposed to be doing this?
Thomas: Neither am I but I still do it
Cree: Thomas, maybe we should stop
Thomas: What are you trying to say?
Cree: This, has gone on long enough, maybe we should call it quits
Thomas: Are you...
Cree: Yeah, I'm breaking up with you, but I'm sure we can still be...
Thomas: What happened?
Cree: To what? Are you confused?
Thomas: No, I just feel like you use the princess and princes as an excuse for everything
Cree: No I don't
Thomas: Uhhh, yes, you do
Cree: When have I ever done that?
Thomas: Our first date, second date, last week, uhhh...just now
Cree: It's just that the prince...
Thomas: See, stop being all princess for once and do what you want
Cree: Well since you can't accept my decision maybe it's best we go back to being enemies huh?
Thomas: Why not, at least then there weren't titles to hide under
Cree: Why did I ever like you?
Thomas: Why did I ever meet you?
Cree: ....Uhhh
Thomas: Oh my God I am so sorry
Cree: Well I wish I never met you either*runs out*
Thomas: No...wait

I'd never think Thomas would say such but I guess I was wrong. Maybe it is time to move on
Breanna's P.O.V
Lance: BOO!
Brea(Sarcastically): I'm so scared
Lance: Ha ha very funny, so what are you planning
Brea: What do you mean?
Lance: I got you, now with the common mind of a girl, you'd want to get me
Brea: What makes you think that?
Lance: You're well, wait...you're not after me?
Brea: Nope
Lance: Seriously
Brea: Yes I'm serious
Lance: You're being too chill about this
Brea: Paranoid much?
Lance: Okay I'm gonna go, since you're being weird
Brea: You're the one being...never mind*walks up to Lizzy and Cree*
Lizzy: What was that about?
Brea: A boy being stupid and even more stupid
Lizzy: Well, Cree's upset and she won't tell anyone why
Brea: Simple, Cree are you upset?
Cree: No
Brea: So we're done here
Lizzy: She's clearly lying to you
Brea: Are you lying?
Cree: No
Bre: See, we're done here
Lizzy: Okay, you're a very bad friend
Brea: What? You've been her friend longer. Okay, Cree is this because you and Thomas broke up?
Cree: How'd you know?
Brea: I was there the whole time, I could here you all the way from my locker
Lizzy: Wait...you've been dating a prince!?
Brea: Yikes
Cree: Uhhh, maybe...okay fine but, it's only been a week or 2 months I'm not sure
Lizzy: Two months!?
Brea: Again Yikes
Cree: Okay I'm sorry, but the relationship is over
Lizzy: That doesn't change the fact that you dated him
Brea: Ooh, burned
Cree: Okay, would you stop making comments
Brea: Jeeze, okay
Lizzy: Look, you betrayed the pact we made as an association against the boys, now you'll have to face...the book
Brea: I promised I won't make comments but how serious is this princess play that there's a book for it?
Lizzy: Very serious
Brea: Is it too late to withdraw?
Cree: Yep
Brea: Oh brother

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