Hoseok ★ Category Winner

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These are the judges of The category over all:


There were only two firat place winners.


First place goes to:

Sumgyeonjin by aeroentertainment


Arabesque by POLYSEMIC

Additional prizes won:

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Additional prizes won:

(Judges as soon as you see this chapter up please begin to give out prizes. Thank you)

1St place prizes:

-Followed by all judges in your category

-as well as comments by all of them and votes on all of your book.

-Followed by my account JinKoalaOppa

-added to this accounts reading list

-spammed with votes and comments by this account.

-a sticker of first place of course.

-book added to my reading list on Marili_Cruz

-get your book added to my book called Read Me Too Author Nim!


I will be checking off as I do my part of the awards. The judges will have to be honest and do their part in the awards too when it comes to handing out prizes.

Congratulations and I'm sorry to those who didn't win.

Don't be discouraged please keep writing and improve to the best to your ability!!

Next up: Taehyung + Category Winners

Mama KoalaBeaw

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