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"Ah! Guild Master!" Ryota's eyes widened when you turned around so suddenly. "You scared me!"

"You were the one sneaking up behind me!" You grinned, fully facing him now. He let out a laugh as he came towards you. You noticed both his hands were occupied. "What's that in your hands there?"

"It's two of the desserts!" Ryota showed them to you. One was a glass tiramisu cup, filled with chocolate and vanilla, with wafer chunks, and the other was a small bowl of assorted fluffy sweets. Some of them were cutely shaped into bunnies, with chocolate lines for detail!

"Awwww, thank you." You picked out the one of your choice, and together you leaned on the balcony, admiring the city and chatting about the surroundings. The bright city lights and the hustle and bustle of the traffic below really helped set the scene, and you found yourself almost not wanting the conversation, even if it was just small chat, to end.

And then Ryota said your name out of the blue.

"You know, I'm been thinking a lot, lately." The male student swallowed the last bit of food before continuing. "About what I want for Christmas."

"Mmhmm?" You hummed, still looking out towards the city. When you realised he had paused for a short while, you looked towards him. "Ryota?"

"I... oh man how do I say this...?" An uneasy smile and a smattering of pink crossed Ryota's features, and he thumbed the edge of his bowl absentmindedly. "I've realised what I really want."

And then, he turned to look at you.

"You..." Ryota slowly smiled. "I'm so grateful to you." His gaze slowly cast downwards. "I... I never really felt like I was really close to anybody. I mean," Ryota turned back towards the city. "Maria's best friends with Gabriel, Shiro and Kengo are always butting heads, and Hanuman and Tsathoggua are like two peas in a pod, but..."

You placed your hand on his, gazing at him softly to continue.

"But when I'm with you, I feel like I finally get that feeling, you know?" Ryota's eyes watered and his lower lip began to tremble. "Ever since the day we met, when you protected me? I just couldn't keep my mind off of you. And then--I realised, I wanted to be more than, just friends with you... I... I wanted to..."

He gulped.

"I want to be yours, from the bottom of my heart."

You just looked at Ryota.

And he looked at you.

"D--Did I say something wrong--?!" Ryota darted his eyes away in embarrassment, but you moved a hand to his chin and drew his gaze back to you. He gulped.

"No, Ryota, it's okay. I... have feelings for you too."

"Y-You do?"

"Yes, I do. I just love everything about you." You thumbed his cheek. "I felt something the moment you came back to save me from the Red Oni, when we met. You were the first person who was ever there for me when I came to this world, and I could have been left with nobody to call my friend. But you stood up for me, even while you were afraid, and you keep standing up for your friends even though you're afraid. I think you're one of, if not the bravest person I know, Ryota. I would be honoured to be with you."

"O--Ohh...!" Ryota sniffled before hugging you, crying softly as he did. You stroked his back reassuringly, whispering sweet nothings to him to help the boy calm down. He squeezed your outfit with his free hand, not wanting to let you go.

"Hey, did you notice, guild master?" Ryota stopped you, pointing to the archway that led into the balcony from the staircase. Your eyes followed his finger, and your eyes widened when you noticed a small piece of mistletoe hanging from the top of it.

"Mistletoe..." You breathed out. You turned to Ryota, who was at first gazing at you but had looked away.

"Well, I mean, nobody is here, so we don't have to kiss..." Ryota scratched the back of his neck. You chuckled and shook yours, leaning down to him. He was only a little bit shorter than you, but you knew the height difference flustered him in the cutest way.

"But what if I want to?" You asked softly, whispering into his ear, before connecting your lips with his. He let out a quiet hum of surprise, before returning your kiss as best as he could. Ryota was a little bit clumsy, but you could feel the warmth of his passion emanating from him. It made you feel so happy and loved, and when you broke apart and caught each other's eyes, it was clear he felt the same way too.

"Ready to go back inside?" You straightened up, and he squeezed your hand.

"Hehe. Wherever you go, I'll always go! And that's a promise."

Mistle-Housamo - A Tokyo Afterschool Summoners FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now