Chapter 1

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  December 28th, 2019
          I had that dream again . The one where I'm at my old house with my friends enjoying laughter and drinks ,when we hear loud screams . Curious as they are , They decided to go check it out but I was too scared , so I stayed back , I can hear them talking from the other room trying to figure out where or who Does screams came from . As I'm standing in the next room I felt stuck , l-like I was frozen and couldn't move . When my friends returned to check on me ,I was gone . But It felt so weird because I was standing right next to them , I could see them , feel them , hear them and smell them . But yet they couldn't see me . They frantically started looking to find me but nothing . I tried to get their attention . I yelled I screamed "IM RIGHT HERE" CANT YOU SEE ME" GUYS !!!!!! I tried knocking over furniture, I tried doing everything possible that would get their attention but nothing .
       I was lost ! But where and how ? I was gone . I started to panic , I started to cry . I felt so helpless . What's happening ?!!! As I'm sitting there lost and helpless I can still see my friends running around trying to find me , they checked every room , every corner , even outside but nothing . Raven calls out to me , London where are you ? London!!! , she calls out to me again and again but nothing . This makes no sense . Where could she have gone .. this isn't funny London she screams .
        Raven chill,  you know London loves playing games , I bet you she's here hiding and any min now she'll jump out on us says Adam . Yeah whatever Adam I hope you're right .
         So no one is going to acknowledge does weird screams we heard a while ago says Selena . That was really weird , there is no one else here but us . So where or who did they come from ? .
        As I'm sitting here crying , listening and trying to get their attention. I realize that this is just a dream , this is just one of my episodes , I can just wake myself up . I closed my eyes and tried to wake myself up . Thinking to myself , I'm like any min now I'll wake up in my bed . Here goes nothing . I opened my eyes but nothing . I was still at my old house watching my friends try to figure out what happened to me and that's when I realized that this wasn't a dream . This is real, this is really happening , OMG.
       I sat down and started to cry again but just then I hear screaming . Loud blood curdling screams . Omg , who is that . Sounds like they need help . I could help them . But I was also too scared , I can't , I can't , I thought . But what other choice did I have . I decided to check things out quietly. If someone is hurt I can call for help . I started to Check every room , my friends are standing there as I walk past them . Realizing that they still can't hear or see me , I kept going .
          As I get to the corner of my old laundry room . That's when I see her . A red headed little girl wearing a pink bloody dress curled up in the corner crying . Omg she looks hurt . I have to help her . But then I thought to myself , whoever is trying to get her is probably still here so I have to be quiet . But how? What is this ? This is my old house . No one lives here . What's happening here ? Maybe she's lost and scared . I'm being crazy there's no one else here but us . Let me call out to her . I called out to her ' little girl' are you okay ' . But no response .
       I walk up quietly behind her trying not to scare her anymore than she already is . As I get closer she stops crying . Little girl !!! Are you okay ? . She doesn't answer . What's your name sweetie ? Where are you parents ? Are you lost ? . But nothing , she says nothing . I can help you , I just need you to talk to me .
        I grab a wet towel to wipe off the blood from her body . As I get closer to her I started to get cold . Freezing cold . This can't be possible , it's the middle of the summer , it's literally 95 degrees outside , maybe the heat doesn't work down here anymore since no one lives here  . I touched her shoulders as I got closer to get her attention, to make her understand that I wasn't going to hurt her.
       But when I touched her she disappeared. Omg what just happened . That's not possible. That's when I hear laughter coming from behind me , as I turned around , I saw the little red headed girl standing behind me with this creepy smile across her face . That's when she speaks . London let's play . Wait you know my name ? I asked . She laughs and responds , I know everything . I thought to myself , this isn't right , something Isn't right . I turned around to run and that's when something grabbed me . I started to scream . Raven,  Adam , Selena helppp.
           Raven is back upstairs still worried , seriously guys , I think something is wrong . Where could London have gone . Yeah you're right raven , Selena agreed . Yo you might be right Raven , says Adam . Let's just try looking one more time and if we don't find her , we call for help , Raven says.
         Who are you ? London screams . Let go of me . I tried kicking , I tried to fight but I felt useless once again . My leg starts to feel hot from where I was grabbed like I was being burned , omg what is that . I started to cry again . Help me ! Someone help me ! But nothing , no one could hear me . Let go of me , that's when I realized no one was holding me anymore . I turned around only to see a big red burn on my leg . Wtf is that . I have to get out of here . I got up and started to run and that's when someone grabbed me and lifted me off the ground . Where are you going London . Stay with me . "Wicked" laughter filled the laundry room . I neeeeed you . Play with me .
       Who are you I asked ? I'm your friend . Don't you remember me ? We used to play together here . But you left me . I-I don't know who you are . Well then maybe I should help you remember. Wicked laughter fills the room . I kept saying to myself This is a dream . This has to be a dream ! This can't be real . As I turned back around , I saw her face . Black eyes , black veins running down her face , long sharp teeth , pale skin and dry black hair . Leave me alone , I screamed but she just kept laughing . I could hear my friends upstairs looking for me . That's when Raven comes down to the laundry room to look for me one more time .
I have to get her attention some how . It's no use , she can't help you the little girl says . I ignored her and started to think . There has to be a way . I realized I had my phone , maybe if I could send her a text . I started to text , Raven help , I'm stuck in the laundry room and something is after me . Raven checks her phone . Guys I got a text from London, she says she's here in the laundry room . London where are you . I'm in the laundry room and I don't see you . Stop playing these games . Raven I'm not playing I'm looking right at you . Help me . London this isn't funny , we're leaving . I told you she'd be playing us says Adam . Oh whatever ever Adam ! Shut up .
As I watched my friends leave , I realized I was on my own . I turned around and the little girl was gone . I get up to run again but I can't move . Then she appears again . Look at me London !! No . Look at me . I finally decided to look . Omg Amanda !!!!!! I-I thought you were dead .
I am dead London ...... because you killed me . No- no I didn't . It was an accident. Laughter fills the room again , only this time she sounds angry . Tell me what you did London . I didnt do anything . Tell me what you did LONDON!!!!! Or I will kill you . I didn't do anything. It was an accident. Okay I gave you your chance .. no wait , I screamed and screamed . Stop . Raven helpppp.

To be continued.

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