Arthur the Overprotective Father

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Matthew took them over to Francis and Arthur's house. Alfred walked up to the door and knocked on it. The door then opened to show Arthur. "Sup Arthur.". Alfred still looked heart-broken. "Hello Alfred. Hello Matthew. Hello Katyusha. What brings you here.". "Alfred went through a lot today. Also is Francis here, I haven't seen him since last meeting.". "He's actually out with Gilbert and Antonio.".

They walked inside and sat down. "So Alfred what happened?". A few tears slid down Alfred's cheeks. "Well...I-Ivan kicked me out b-because I told him I was pregnant and was thinking of a way to tell him.". Arthur spit out his tea at that. "That's such a stupid thing to do. And he shouldn't have done that when your carrying a child.".

Alfred buried his face in Arthurs lap and cried. "D-do you t-think he'll s-still want me?". "I don't know. Its up to him. And if he doesn't want you, he'll be sorry.". The door opened. "Angleterre, I'm home.". Francis noticed Matthew, Katyusha, and Alfred.

"Oh, bonjour Mathieu, Katyusha, Alfred. What happened?". Matthew looked at him. "Bonjour papa. I don't think Alfred wants to say it again right now but, basically Ivan kicked him out.".

Francis sat next to Arthur and rubbed Alfred's back. "Its going to be ok Alfred.". "N-no its not. Something bad could happen because of how stressed I am.". Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Matthew got up and opened it only to see a tall man wearing a scarf.


Sorry its short I was really tired while making this chapter


Angleterre: England in French

Mathieu: just the way France says Matthew

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