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When you wake up, it's no longer dark. You blink to clear your vision and see a large figure a few feet in front of you rummaging around. You find yourself in a small circular clearing surrounded by corn stalks. There are stacks of hay and a wheelbarrow and you are sitting in the middle of the clearing. The big manly figure is grunting loudly and breathing heavily.

You move your arms to find them untied. There's no more tape on your mouth. You are no longer tied up. You are no longer restricted to this situation. You can run. Run far, far away until you find someone, anyone. Someone sane that can take you away from this state.

Texas really sucks. You think to yourself as your neck twinges with pain. Stupid old man... Why'd he pull my hair like that?

While having your mind be preoccupied, you almost forget the man who took you away from that awful house in the first place. Bubba, you recognize as your vision finally clears, gets up from his rummaging and looks at you. He gets scared when he first notices your gaze upon him but then he turns excited. You can see he is cupping something in his hands and as your eyes move over to his fingers carefully protecting whatever is inside, so do his.

He smiles widely, showing his teeth... Or what little teeth he has. He begins walking over to you quickly and you flinch, not sure what he's thinking. His smile fades and he jumps back from you, realizing he's scared you. Your expression turns worried and apologetic.

"Ah! No, I'm sorry! You just caught me off guard," you express in a comforting tone, "did you have something to show me?"

Bubba quickly glances at his closed hands and then back at you. The excitement returns and so does his smile. He walks toward you again, slower this time.

As he finally makes his way in front of you, you realize just how large he actually is. His big stomach pokes against his blood-stained yellow apron. You can see his eyes through his mask. His scary mask made of a human's face. It just now hit you how terrifying it really is but you try not to show your fear on your face. You flash an weak yet empathetic smile and look into the large man's eyes. He averts his eyes from your gaze by looking at his hands again.

"Is that for me?" you ask while following his eyes to his hands. He looks at you again and nods his head energetically, verbalizing his happiness without words.

"Well, what is it?" you question with a warm smile. He takes one more look at his hands while bringing them closer to your face. He smiles with his mouth open. His hands slowly open to reveal what he has so carefully protected and hidden inside.

A flower. A small, frail flower with white petals.

You didn't know what you were expecting but it wasn't something as sweet and thoughtful at that! This simple kind gesture causes tears to well up in your eyes. You blink quickly to avoid actually crying in front of Bubba who, after all, is still a stranger to you. The small flower looks even tinier while laying in Bubba's large, manly hand. He removes the flower from his hand by taking it by the stem. He pushes it toward your face, not too close, but close enough so that you know he wants you to take it. You take the small flower from his big hand and smile at it.

"Thank you..." you say sincerely, smiling and feeling the tears well up again. He taps you on the shoulder to get your eyes back on him. You blink quickly and look at him. He points to the flower and then to your hair.

"You want me to put this in my hair?" you ask, feeling your cheeks get warm as you smile. He shakes his head up and down quickly. You comply with his request and put the small white flower in your hair, tucked behind your ear. "There! How does it look?" You pose playfully then flash a large, toothy smile and close your eyes happily. You don't hear anything from Bubba. It's silent other than his breathing. Not even a grunt to express his happiness. You stop smiling and open your eyes. Bubba is looking at you very intently. His face shines with wonder. You laugh nervously, not sure what to think. Suddenly, he is on his knees, eye level to you before he pulls you into a hug.

"W-woah!" you try to object as you put both of your hands up at your sides, but you silence yourself at the warmth and softness of his hug. He clumsily rubs the back of your head, feeling your hair and pushing his nose into the nape of your neck. You blush and put your arms on his back. You let yourself fall into the hug as you rub his large back. He nuzzles his nose into your neck and you giggle.

"That tickles!"

He lets go of the hug and jumps back quickly, standing on his feet again. You can see an embarrassed expression on his face.

"Hey! Don't be embarrassed it's okay!" you try to explain, getting up from your chair to stand in front of him. He is much taller than you even while standing. "Sorry," you laugh to lighten the mood, "I really didn't mean to embarrass you!" His eyes are glued to the ground. He is grabbing his arm with his opposite hand. You frown playfully and thoughtfully and then go to hug him again. He is shocked by the hug, not seeing it coming because he wasn't looking at you. He verbalizes his embarrassment and looks into your eyes. You smile while looking up, back into his eyes.

"I never did thank you for saving me after all!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2020 ⏰

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