I'll always Remember you

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OHH YEAH! TWO UPDATES IN A DAY! I made another update so I can catch up my missing updates. Anyway,Hope you enjoy,my fellow readers!

(Y/N) happily recharged this morning. Few weeks ago,3 humans were taken at the base for their safety and no decepticons sightings for 2 weeks. She had a good dream but it was disturbed by an annoying alarm.

"Oh for Primus' Sake....." She grumbles as she sit up from her berth and went to the Main Room. She arrived with a pissed mood and crosses her arms. 

"Seriously,Sire. It's in the middle of the night. What gives?" She asks 

Ratchet rolled his optics and typed on the console. Optimus looked at (Y/N) with an amused look.

"Decepticon activity outside of Jasper,that gives" Ratchet replied and (Y/N) smirked. 

"Finally some action" She smiled and Optimus smiled at her cheery mood. Optimus wanted to tell her his feelings but afraid that she would reject it,and that also goes to (Y/N),who also fears that Optimus would reject her.

Ratchet pulled the lever and the groundbridge was opened.

Gunshots rang in the air as the Autobots began to fire at the Decepticons. The Decepticons created and ambush to Lord Starscream's orders. (Y/N) stabbed the vehicon on the chest and removed her knife as she watched the Vehicon Drone offlined. She smiled and walked towards the slight injured Optimus,who didn't notice that a vehicon was readed himself to kill him using his blaster. Her optics widened and ran towards Optimus. 

"Optimus,Look out!" She shouted and shoved Optimus out of the way.



Optimus looked where he was before and saw (Y/N),lying on the ground with an energon seeping out of the center of her chestplate,where her spark is. Bulkhead killed the vehicon and Optimus picked her up half of her body on the ground. He felt his spark tightened and his optics leaking with energon tears. He shook her trying to wake her up. 

"(Y/N)! (Y/N) ,please!....Please... Don't leave me..." He whispered as his optics were about to leak and a servo cupped the side of his faceplate. He looked at (Y/N),who had a sad smile.

"O-Optimus......I-I don't think I c-can make it..." she said and an energon tear rolled down from her optics. She coughed uncontrollably,drawing out energon out of her mouth. She looked at Optimus while rubbing her thumb on the side of his faceplates.

"O-Optimus....Promise m-me take c-care of my little Brother" Optimus shook his head and his optics leaked energon tears.

"Don't say anything,You're going to be fine,Okay. Just hang on" Optimus cried and opened his comlink "RATCHET,OPEN THE GROUNDBRIDGE!" But no response,only static.

"Promise me!" She shouted and coughed up energon and Optimus nodded. She smiled and energon tears leaked.

"O-Optimus.....I....I love you..." From her last sentence,her servo slipped from Optimus' faceplate and hit the ground not moving and her optics closed. Optimus looked at her lifeless body and let out a loud cry. Bumblebee fell on to his knees and cried while Arcee was trying to comfort him. His team were looking down,crying from the death of their 2nd-in-command and their beloved friend.  

The groundbridge opened and Ratchet was waiting for them. First came through was Bulkhead,who look sad. Second,Bumblebee,who looked depressed and Arcee beside him. Lastly,Optimus,who had Energon tears were still fresh from his faceplates. Ratchet tried to find (Y/N) with them but she wasn't. Arcee told him everyhing and he let out a gasped. He fell on his knees and cried. His adopted daughter.....is dead... She has joined The Well of The Allsparks. Optimus left the main room and went to his quarters and cried silently. His spark tightned in pain when he closed his optics. Her sad smile was still fresh in his memory.


Few Years Later

Optimus,Bumblebee,Strongarm, Sideswipe,Drift,Grimlock,Windblade,Ratchet,Jazz and Bulkhead went towards the cliff and transformed.

"Sir,Why are we here?" Strongarm ask but Bumblebee ignored her questioning as he staring at his servo holding a White Roses along with Optimus,Bulkhead and Ratchet. He walked at the end of the cliff where there was a headstone and a Autobot symbol on the ground. Bumblebee stopped and Optimus placed the white roses below the headstones carefully and sighed. The headstone had embeded 'In the Memory of Our Fellow Autobots (Y/N) and Cliffjumper'

Bumblebee,Bulkhead and Ratchet placed the white roses below and stood up. Optimus brushed the headstoned and cried silently. He felt a servo on his shoulderplates and looked up. He was shock to see (Y/N) and Cliffjumper beside him. Cliffjumper grins at the bots shock faces and (Y/N) smiled at Optimus. She placed her soft metalic lips on Optimus' and slowly disappeared with Cliffjumper. Optimus looked where she stood and look up in the sky with a smile on his faceplates. 

You will always be remembered,My Love.

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