Chapter 6

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Audrey's POV

So we finally got to LA & I'm ready to kick it. Me & Leticia go drop off our stuff in our beach house which is pretty roomy btw. We have 5 rooms, 3 bathrooms & 2 kitchens & it's only us two living there....

We got ready to go to the beach for a while & just chill there & talk. It was like 6pm & the guys wouldn't be here until tomorrow morning so we kinda just decided to do nothing but have a girls night.

On the beach....

Leticia: so are you excited for tomorrow?!

Me: very!! What about you?

Leticia: I'm so excited to meet all the guys & see Nash & Cam again too!

Me: me too! Soo how are you feeling about Nash?

Leticia: well I mean I think i have a slight crush on him I can't like him yet I mean I just me the kid

Me: oh yeah girl we're on the exact same page. I don't just want like a hookup that's a waste of our time & also it's just not fair to us.

Leticia: oh totally agree. we could just take it slow for now! & plus we could end up liking completely different guys ya never know!

Me: hahaha let's just have fun & see what happens!

After that we decided to go out & have a little fun ya know just the two of us. We decided to end up going to a club called LA Sunset which looked pretty turnt.

This was definitely gonna be a fun night.

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