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✧*。 02; TOPLESS TRIP UPS 。*✧
aurora and zayn.

the cherry on top of aurora's week really just had to be getting her flat evicted. It wasn't her fault she payed the rent only just a couple of weeks late! I mean sure she had been paying rent weeks late for a solid four months now but still, she was a busy woman ( not really ). Aurora just hated having to ask to stay with her parents but it was just sort of a last resort. It made her feel so dependent.

Luckily, her parents were staying in the Hampton's over the weekend, which they claimed to have had this planned long before Aurora needed a place to stay. Rora knew however they just needed a break from her, not that she really did much. She roamed around in nothing but a pair of joggers and a white push up bra, today was not the day to dress perpetually nice.

Aurora grabbed a handful of jelly beans, her guilty pleasure, from the bowl atop of the counter and sorted through the mail. Most of it were bills that need to be paid, except however, for one that was addressed to her from her old apartment building. She hungrily ripped it open to reveal something very exciting. Inside sat a letter stating that if in 2 weeks she was able to pay all her late fees she could get her apartment back.

She slowly made her way out on the balcony and read the bottom of the paper. All she needed to do was sign the thing and attach her fee to it, which she knew her parents would gladly pay for; anything to her out of their place. She turned to go inside but the wind had other plans. A large gust of cool air blew the paper right out of Aurora's hand. "No!" She shrieked dashing back inside. This piece of paper was her ticket back to sulking by herself watching films and getting fat.

Aurora raced out the door and down the many flights of stairs just to get out of the building entirely. She ran full speed chasing after the letter before she slammed into somebody. She looked up to meet eyes with the boy she had spoken to a mere 3 weeks ago on top of the Empire State Building. He held the letter firmly in his hand while his eyes were glued to Rora's chest.

She looked down herself and remembered that she was only in a skimpy white push-up bra. She gasped and covered herself by crossing her arms. "This yours," the boy, who's name she had forgotten, asked shaking his head to try and get his mind off of Aurora's cleavage. She sheepishly nodded but avoided making eye contact. "Amelia right?"

"Aurora," she corrected the boy. He nodded as the two just stood there. His gaze trailed to her stomach and she followed it. She instantly wanted to be swallowed up by the ground because she could see the pudge and knew that boys as breathtaking as this one didn't like fat girls. Aurora wasn't necessarily fat but she sure wasn't happy with her body, what girl was?

"You live in New York," he asked trying to make conversation. Aurora tucked a chunk of hair behind her ear and rocked gently back and fourth on her heels. "Um yeah, I'm staying with my parents currently. Not for too long though, as long as I get that sheet of paper back," she answered hinting for Zayn, she remembered, to hand over the letter. It didn't take long before he got the memo and placed it in her hands.

"I just moved here four weeks ago. The city is so beautiful and the lights are so mesmerizing," he rambled temporarily forgetting that he was standing in the middle of the sidewalk talking to a stranger who's shirt was m.i.a. "Sorry, I'm rambling. Bad habit of mine." Zayn's cheeks grew a light shade of pink and he stuffed his hands in his pockets out of nervousness. He didn't know where all this sudden urge to talk had come from. I mean weeks ago he had flat out told her she was beautiful.

But in all fairness he had been a little well, high. Usually the most ever spoke was a few sentences or two. But when he got nervous and started talking, he often just poured out words. For a solid minute and fifty two seconds an unpleasant silence settled upon the two. This was extremely awkward situation and each of them were looking for a casual way out. "Uh well, I'm gonna go put on a shirt," Aurora muttered waving a brief goodbye before turning on her heel and heading back up to her floor. Once warmly inside, she plopped onto the couch and did not put on a shirt.


(( ewwww this chapter is just gross. it's hella short and rushed and all over the place but the next chapter will be extra cute I swear ok !! vote and comment pls !!! oh yeah, and just a warning: z and a get to know each other +fall in love pretty quick so pls don't comment and be like "they've know each other for like 12 seconds he could be an ax murder" like bitch do you rlly think z's gonna be an ax murderer in this fanfic ?! ))
- tyra

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2015 ⏰

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