missing pieces

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Josie’s POV

Today I’m having my 4 month scan. I’m sitting in a room full of other parents to be. I think they all could tell I was terrified, my hands were trembling and I just couldn’t sit still.  I was afraid, very afraid.  (Afraid of what, I think to myself?) That’s the thing; I’m really not too sure on that answer.   “Josie Jones” the receptionist screeched.  I got up nervously and took a little time thinking if I should enter or not.  The radiologist was dressed in khaki pants, a grey shirt and a tie and as I lay down on the long stretched bed in the middle of the room, the radiologist starts rambling on about how my baby should look at 4 months.  I didn’t really pay much attention to what he was saying as I didn’t want to know anything, because I knew in the back of my mind if I did I would get too attached and wouldn’t be able to give it away.  Did I mention I’m an 18 year old girl, wait I’ll rephrase that, I am an 18 year old PREGNANT girl that has just been ditched by her boyfriend for another girl?  As the radiologist spreads the cold liquid on my small bump, I turn my head towards the small rectangle screen on the wall.  As I studied the panel I realised tears were starting to burn my eyes. (Tears for what reason)? Amongst the blur I hear him say, “Josie can you see the two hearts beating”....

3 years later

Rebecca’s POV

Kendall’s first day of preschool today, I think we were more nervous than her.  I had her perfect little pink dress laid out on her Barbie bed.  Kendall comes storming through her bedroom door screaming, a very loud roar comes following behind her, and you could definitely tell it was John.  We adopted Kendall straight after birth. She has grown up to look just like her mom.  Kendall has her moms rounded face, bright blue eyes, perfectly straight hair, few freckles on her nose , really she has all the aspects of her mom..  Kendall has torn to the tomboy side of things.  Like this morning she was kicking and screaming not wanting put on her dress.” Come on squirt” John says sympathetically.  “You’ll look so pretty in it, do it for us “.  “Daddy, I dwont want to w-wear it “Kendall exclaims to John. As always john was right Kendall look immaculate in her little dress, I don’t know why she doesn’t wear things more often. As we rush to get Kendall ready for kindy, so were not late. In the end were running down the pavement and Kendall spots another girl with exactly the same dress on but in purple.  She has a head full of brown perfect curls. She was holding her mums hand as she happily skipped down the path.  “Mummy, she’s got da same dwess on me!”  said Kendall.  Kendall rushed towards her and bombarded her with questions, she really was a chatterbox. And that’s where the bond happened they just clicked, like 2 peas in a pod.  Right then that’s when John and I knew they would be friends forever....

Susan’s POV

Today was the day, the day our little girl would grow up, our first day of peace! As I plaited Esme’s perfectly curly hair, I felt a prick in my heart. It was falling apart, breaking, splitting in two because I knew that she was growing up, she wasn’t going to be my little girl any more. “Mummy dwont crwy, I’m ownly going twoo pwescwoll”.  “Yes I know darling, I know, “I said as I pulled Esme in for a big hug. Esme and I scampered up all our belongings and rushed out the door and before we realised we had been stopped by a little girl with silky, shiny, straight blonde hair, a frilly dress exactly the same as Esmes but in pink.  I look down towards Esmes purple ballet flats and the girl was tugging on Esmes dress...

Fast forward to the day before prom and their 16th birthday... 

Esme’s POV

Kendall and I have been looking forward to this day since we were 10 years old. Me being me I’ve had my dress pre made. My dress is a short strapless ball gown, it has layers of long ruffles and a runched bodest. It’s in Kendall’s favourite colour watermelon. I can tell Kendall isn’t in to this day as much as me, but she knows how much I’ve been looking forward to this day.  To make it even more special it’s also the day of our 16th birthdays. Me and Kendall share the same birthday.  We’ve discovered over our many years of being best friends that we have lots and lots of things in common, one being we were born at the same hospital but ½ hour apart. Our parents think that it’s real trippy that were born in the same hospital on the same day but ½ hour apart. But Kendall and I just think its fate. Kendall and I have decided to take the day off school to get ready. With our parents’ permission of course. I’ve decided to take my best friend and me down to one of the best beauty and hair salons in London, Avalon....

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