He's A Party Crasher

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And the story continues i hope you all like it so far if you have any pointers then by all means message me and i will thank you kindly! :) Happy Blinding!



i got out to my living room to see my parents dressed up as well as my brothers all the guys in coat and tie as for my mom she was wearing a black and white summer dress with her hair up and a bunch of bling on. "Oh sweetie you look so beautiful but how bout you wear these shoes instead." my brothers pulled out a pair of Crystal silver high heels "its a family tradition for us girls to were these shoes on are big birthday they've been in are family for 6 generations."

Jeremiah and Obadiah both hand me a heel, i put them on and they fit perfectly. i smile at my family and Jeremiah said "You look so pretty Jenni!" "Yeah your perfect sis!" said Obadiah. My dad just grabs my hand with a big shes all grown up smile on his face as he walks me out to the car. the rest of my family gets into the car then we drive off to my party.

we drive down a dark street until we turn off on to a dirt road and for about a mile and a half there was complete darkness then i looked out of my side window and saw a bright lit up house with blue and white lights all over the place. "wow who's house is this?" my mom look strait at the road and simply says "oh its ours!" I and my brothers were in shock. "why didn't we know of this place?" 'Because we wanted it to be a surprise for you three." " are we rich or something?" my brother Obadiah asked. "well you can say that but your mother and i don't like the money going to our heads." My dad stops the car in front of the grand entrance and says "were here!" he opens his door and gets out then says "Boys let out your sister" that moment Jeremiah and Obadiah jump out through there side door and walk over to the driver side of the car and open my door.

i can say that at that moment i felt like a princess as my parents walked me and my brothers up the glossy white steps to a grand door i took a deep breath and walked in after my parents and brothers.

I was in shock when i saw so many of the kids that went to my school there, and then out of know where i was embraced in a huge group hug with a bunch of familiar voices saying things like happy birthday and welcome to the pack and stuff like that. when they finally let go of me i see my best friends Jake, Gloria, and Steven. i smile for a moment seeing them all hear then i start to play hit them, "ow ow OW! Jenni why are you hitting us?" Gloria asks, i stop and say "Because you guys never told me that i'm a werewolf and that you guys are to!" Jake looks at me and says "Sorry Alpha orders," "Jeez Jenny Benny when did you get so strong" Steven asked "about 9:30 this morning, i guess it comes with becoming future Alpha!" a big smile gets on my face again then my mom comes up and says "Jenni sweetie i need you to go mingle with all the guess" i wave goodbye to my friends and begin to walk with my mom.

After a few weird conversations with class mates that were complete stranger to me i went off to relax with my mom and dad "hey mom dad i was just wondering did you guys get me this dress?" my parents look at each other then my mom says "we thought you got that for your birthday early." "no, it was laid out on my bed with a..." "A what darling?" i look at my parents and smile "excuse me." i get up and walk over to one of the balconies and pull out the note from my long hand wallet. i read over what it said "blah blah blah XOXO!" what no clue? i folded it back up and right as i was about to put it back i saw dark black lines, i unfolded the paper and looked on the back and read,

Song of songs 1:15

How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes are DOVES.

i thought of it for a moment then i ran to my parents "mom! dad! do we have anything that involves a dove hear at the house?" they give me a curious look but there was no time for curiosity "well!" i say excited "oh i think the ball room has doves on the center design of the floor." my dad said "thank you! thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!" i say as i give them each a kiss on there cheeks.

i start off to the ball room, and finally i get there i see hundreds of couples dancing in the room. At that i begin to bob and weave through the dancing people until i made it dead center of the ball room and what i saw i couldn't believe my eyes Nerdy Anderson was there just standing, was he really my mystery man?

i take a step closer to him, but then the Slut Queen Missy came up to him and started to kissing him like there was no reason for air. i begin to turn back around to leave the ball room when i accidentally bumped into someone. "oh I'm so sor..." i lost my train of thought the second i looked up and saw Joshua the hot bad boy, his hand was on my side and he said "so I'm guessing you got my note." i smile and shake my head yes. "you look absolutely stunning in that dress." "you picked this?" he smiled and said "yes, i also picked this!" and from behind him he pulls out the most beautiful white rose i have ever seen in my life.

"wow" i say lost for words. "only the best for you Jenni." he hands me the rose then asks "Jenni would you like to dance?" i look up and smile at him as he pulls me closer and i throw my hands around his neck.

we begin to dance, and dance, and dance. fast songs slow songs we just danced and talked the night away, we talked about what we did and didn't like and one of our good topics was God and the bible, witch is good because i love God and he does to witch seemed a little weird at first because hes the bad boy but he is strong with God.

"Jenni!" i look up from Joshua's chest and i saw Riley, "Riley what are you doing here?" he looked at me filled with rage. "what am i doing here, what are you doing with that?" he says as he points at Joshua. everyone around us began to stair as Joshua walks in front of me in a protective way.

"Riley you need to leave now!" Joshua is giving off his bad boy impression and it almost seem to be working, "No i'm not leaving until i talk to Jenni boyfriend to girlfriend!" the second he said that everyone looked at me i could hear there thoughts saying 'she hasn't gotten rid of him yet, wow this is are future leader, can we just throw him out and go on with the party.' i felt hurt when i hear those things but the last one wasn't a bad idea, then Joshua sends me a thought 'Jenni, i completely under stand you go fix that mess and i will wait right here for you.' 'thank you Joshua i'll be back soon.' 'Alright Jenni i will miss every second with out you, and if he tries to do anything to you just call for me and i will come!' at that he gently grabbed my rose from my hands and took a step back from me.

The second he stepped back i felt weak i just wanted to jump back into his arms, but i couldn't i needed to say my goodbyes to Riley i take a step closer to Riley and look up to him, his face seemed to be mad, i nudged my head to the front door and all he does is start to walk that direction. it felt so weird walking Thur the room were all the parents were 'what is he doing here? Why is she with him?'

we finally made it out to the front of the house and i looked at him in dispare "What are you doing here?" He looks at me and said "Well, i decided to see what was up with my girlfriend since she decided to ignore me all day on her birthday, i went to your house but you all just left so i started to follow you but when you guys turned on to the dirt road and i lost you. it took me a while but i found this place... with you dancing with, with Joshua? what the hell is wrong with you, i thought you didn't even know that guy but i guess i was wrong! and whats up with all of those people in there you don't even hang out with them!" "well," i start out "these people are more like me then you think and you know what i don't know Joshua that well but that's all going to change because you know what he treats me a hell of a lot better than you do, and after hearing all those voice mails you left me i don't think i want to be your girlfriend anymore you treat me like crap and i know i deserve much more than that."

i start to walk back to the party when suddenly Riley Grabs me and pushes me to the ground. "so your just going to break up with me and go on with your life?" "Get your hands off of me Riley!" while Riley goes on with his mad rampage i think 'Joshua i need you i'm scared please help me.'

"Get away from her Riley!" Joshua and some of his friends come up from the party. Joshua comes up to us and grabs Riley and without letting Riley say anything he punches him off to the side the other boys came up to me a picked me up and put me on my feet.

I look up at Joshua and Riley fighting and i could only scream! "JOSHUA NO!"

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