Im fine

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Lance woke up feeling like a train ran over him. He was curled in the same position as he had fell asleep in. His arm still stung as well as his head which felt as if it was in a vice. He felt like crap and he did not enjoy it. Reluctantly he got out of bed. Trudging to his wardrobe he got an oversized blue hoodie with white writing that said love yourself , some black skinny jeans and black converse. He showered and did his face routine before exiting his room and going to the kitchen. Everyone was already there , he met a harsh glare from violet eyes. "Lance why the heck did you run off yesterday! You missed the rest of the debriefing!" Lance ducked his head sadly. "Just drop it keith..." he wasn't in the mood to deal with the alpha. Keith growled out a warning. "Lance! You can't keep slacking off , get your shit together..." he mumbled. It stung...the words stung...not just mentally but physically , before lance's brain could even register he started crying...but not tears...blood. He was crying blood. He heard a chorus of gasps in the room as he took off. He choked on sobs as he bolted into the bathroom to stare in the mirror. He looked like something out of a horror movie. With a heavy sigh he washed his face and applied some foundation. He curled under his blanket and let out a small pitiful whimper. He was a mess. A broken mess of an omega. "What would mama and papa say if they saw me like this...." he mumbled to himself staring at a spot on the wall. "Mama would give me cuddles and make me cookies....and papa would ruffle my hair and give me a piggyback , then we'd go horse riding..." he started crying again at the thought of his family. Although this time it was normal tears not tears of blood. He felt a stinging pain in his arm and looked down to see the gash from yesterday had reopened and blood seeped from the cut. The red sticky liquid splattered the bed in drops. Drip. Drip. Drip....Lance's eyes became hazy as he was transported into the shard of an old memory. A younger version of himself , curled on the bathroom floor with a razor blade , slashing his arm , watching the blood ooze from his body , his life ebbing away. Lance shook his head sharply ridding himself of the fragments of agonising evocation. He dragged himself to the bathroom to clean and bandage the cut. Staring at himself in the mirror he did a double take at what he saw. Was that really him? This...corpse? That's the only way he could describe himself. The once vibrant blue eyes that sparkled as if they held the ocean itself , the cheeky grin that crinkled his cheeks and lit of a whole room , the tanned skin that glowed a rich caramel in the sun , was now replaced with dead lifeless eyes , Dulled to a mediocre blue that barely resembled the colour , his smile was strained and didn't meet his eyes , the dazzling smile now seldom appeared , and the tanned skin now held a sickly tinge to it. His appearance reflected his mental torture. The pain inflicted on him by the ones he held dear was worse than any battle injury once could sustain. The phrase 'sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.' Was not accurate. Lance would take the sticks and stones any day over the unbearable torment that dug at his mental state. Lance laid there on the bathroom floor gazing at the ceiling as tears pooled at the corners of his eyes blurring his vision , or maybe that was the blood loss who knows. His breathing slowed down and he danced with the edge of unconscious for a fraction of a second before his eyes drooped closed.
The others sat at the table in silent shock. What had they just seen. Lance had been crying blood? BLOOD?! It was so bizarre but then again they were fighting purple aliens with cat ears so what could be weirder than that? On second thought don't answer that was puzzling and undoubtedly worrying to say the least. Keith had his hands clasped together and his head hung low. Tears of bitter frustration sparked in his amethyst orbs and he gritted his teeth in a desperate attempt to stop them from falling. This was his fault...why was he always so harsh to lance. The omega just got under his skin. When had they even became rivals anyway? He didn't recall them being rivals in the garrison like lance had claimed they were. It hurt so damn much...he wanted to hold lance close , make sure everyone knew the Cuban was his , love him to death but he couldn't...why? Even he didn't know the real answer to that. He just...was incapable of loving him...or maybe undeserving? Yeah that was the one. He didn't deserve to have lance as his mate. The omega was so caring and valued patience and kindness. Keith was anything but patient and lacked empathy for his peers having not experienced love for so long. The alphas depressing train of thought was halted by the another thought. Well not a thought more of a instinct...a need. Lance. He needed lance , wanted him , craved him. To hold him , touch him , love him. Keith's milky white skin became flushed with fever and sharp pants escaped his parted lips. His pupils dilated and he gripped the table so that he didn't fall of his chair. Shiro watched his self acclaimed little brother worriedly , realising what was happening to keith. The younger alpha was in rut. It was obvious to everyone else who he wanted , ever since the bonding moment. Everyone that is...expect the boy himself. Lance may be a flirt but when it came to true love he was unbelievably dense. Shiro exhaled before Speaking up. "Keith. Your in rut. Go to bed." His tone was authoritative and firm. Keith sighed and did as he was told. But on the way to his room he smelt lance's scent , pain and distressed. He quickly went into lance's room and found he omega on the bathroom floor in a puddle of blood. Panicking he put lance in a bath and tried to clean the blood hoping in some way it would help. When lance's eyes fluttered open keith nearly cried in relief as he pulled the soaked omega's body close to him , holding the trembling form. Lance blinked in surprised and bewilderment as his rival hugged him tightly. Keith tended to lance's arm , dressed him and helped him into bed. Then with shot nerves , a shaky breath and a nod to himself he leaned down and kisses lance's head before whispering softly. "I love you..." his voice cracked at the end of his sentence. Lance slowly wound his arms around Keith's neck with a content smile and nuzzled up to him. "I love you too..." Keith slowly laid lance back down and got into the bed with the omega. He wrapped his arms around the omega's tiny waist only to notice how deathly thin the boy was. God no wonder he has trouble running in the armour. It wasn't because he was lazy , but because his body can't support the weight...and he yelled at him for that. The feelings of guilt crashed down on him and he pressed his face into lance's shoulder blades crying. What the fuck had he done....
A/n: hope you enjoyed the new chapter , sorry I haven't updated in forever I've been all over the place for a while. Meh im not really proud of this chapter but I don't even know where I'm going with this story- smut next cheater though so yay~ goodbye my lovely kittens 🐱💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️🐱

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2019 ⏰

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