Charlie: Psithurism

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“Aaaaand now!” Charlie called as the camera flashed, and the world distorted for a moment as Lilith warped her out of harm’s way. “Thanks for that, lovely,” she said with a smile, digging a pastry out of her bag and handing it to her partner. “I shudder to think how a solar beam to the face would feel. I got some good photos of him, though, didn't I?” She clicked absently through the photos, deleting blurred ones and marking the best few to submit to the magazine.

The kirlia only stared at her, eyes full of equal parts annoyance and concern for the photographer’s sanity. She did accept the pastry, however, and upon taking a bite and discovering cheri berries inside, let out a short, high trill, irritation at Charlie's lack of self-preservation momentarily forgotten.

Charlie took that moment to look around, listening to the wind in the trees around her. It was a sunny day, hence the nearly-deadly encounter with the venusaur a few moments prior, and almost midsummer, so Amber Forest was properly in bloom for around two weeks. Holtan summers were short, so the flora took every opportunity it could, but it still wasn't much.

There were pokemon everywhere. The forest was alive year-round, but especially now; due to the sun, cherrim were in full bloom, flowering pokemon like bellossom, lilligant and roselia were out in groups, oddish were buried in the ground with their leaves spread, and she could even see a group of deerling and sawsbuck, fully fledged with their dense summer foliage.

She took a mental note to thank Lilith for moving them far enough from the venusaur that the pokemon here were unaware and undisturbed, readying her camera and turning off the flash so she wouldn't disturb them.

It was days like these that Charlie really loved her job. Sure, the mountains were fun, the storms when the wind and rain were raging, the days where the nearby pokemon would fight her, or ignore her, or even approach her camera, but it was days like this that were best. Days where the pokemon didn't even know she was there, when she could just relax and take photos, could pick and choose what went to the magazines. When even Lilith relaxed and enjoyed the nice change of pace.

She sat back to admire the view. Yes, it was days like this one.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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