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Jongin felt that it was time to confront his mother. Although Chanyeol and his family supported him, he sometimes felt as if his mother was the weight of the world upon his shoulders — her opinion of her mattered do much that he feared disappointing her.

"You'll be fine, baby," Chanyeol smiled. "I believe in you. Tell her you'll take none of her shit and live with us if she's a narrow-minded piece of crap. You're not disgusting — okay?"

"Can you come with me inside, please? I want someone to support me," Jongin mumbled. Chanyeol lifted the younger's hand and kissed it gently.

"Unfortunately this is a battle you have to fight by yourself. But I'll go in with you if that's what you want," Chanyeol smiled.

"You've become so cheesy recently," Jongin chuckled. "Not that I'm not used to your stupid flirting and innuendoes."

"Just remember — my mother is ready to take care of you until you're a legal adult, which is a few months from now. She'll pay the rest of your school fees and when you're done, you're on your own. We're ready to let you live with us."

"My mother can pull up a court case out of this against your mother, you know? It doesn't matter whether I'm gay or not, she'll do anything to keep me under her roof. She doesn't like you," Jongin said. "I'm fucking scared of her. She tolerated the drinking and constant partying, but she was pissed when I admitted that we were more than best friends."

"Well, I don't like her either," Chanyeol huffed. "Look, she's narrow-minded. And I feel like the court would be in her favour because Korea doesn't particularly like gays."

"This is why I'm scared to talk to her," Jongin whined. "She doesn't like me as I am. She's going to try and change me — one way or another."

"I won't let her," Chanyeol smiled. "Now get in there and confront her."

Jongin inhaled one last shaky breath before walking up to the front porch of his house. Chanyeol stood a good few feet behind him and followed when Jongin opened the door.


He heard shuffling in the kitchen. His mother peeked out from the kitchen and gasped.

"Why are you here?" she asked.

Jongin gulped. "We need to talk."

She looked at Chanyeol. "Did he have to come?"

"Yes," Jongin replied firmly.

She thinned her lips and nodded. "Fine. In the kitchen."

They seated themselves at the kitchen counter. She sat beside the stove across from the two boys. Jongin looked extremely nervous, and chanyeol grabbed his hand to comfort him.

"What do you need to speak about?" Mrs Kim asked.

"My sexuality," Jongin answered carefully. "Personally, I find it ridiculous that you don't accept my sexuality. It's 2018, and people don't care anymore. And I find it stupid that you called me disgusting as if I wasn't your son. The fact that you couldn't accept me as a gay kind of hurt me. I hated myself for a few hours before realizing that your opinion of me didn't matter."

She sighed. "It was a rough patch for myself as well. I thought about the fact that the older society doesn't accept gays and I was worried about being known for having a gay son. I'm not homophobic, but in that moment, I was afraid about what the older community will think of us if you were gay."

"So do you accept me for who I am?" Jongin asked softly.

"Of course. But they not to show it in public too often. Other old people will react much harsher than what I reacted," she said. "I'm sorry for reacting so horribly. I didn't mean to seem like I didn't care. So please — come back home."

"Before that happens," Jongin began strongly, "you need to accept that I'm in a relationship with Chanyeol. We're dating and you can't pull us apart."

She sighed. "Fine. That's fine. Chanyeol is a lovely boy, so it's fine. However, I'd like that the sleeping together isn't too often. Frankly, it makes me a bit uncomfortable."

Jongin looked at Chanyeol then at his mother. "Then don't look."

She sighed. "Fine. Please move back home — I can't move the couch without you here."

Jongin smiled and stood up. He hugged his mother tightly and they had a sweet moment until Chanyeol interrupted them.

"Uhm, I need to get to basketball practice. Can I go?" he asked, pointing to the front door with his thumb.

Jongin chuckled. "I'll be with you soon."


Yoora clapped happily. "Yay! I'm so happy for you, Jongin. Too bad, though — you would've been able to live here."

"Nothing will change — he'll still come over whenever he wants," Chanyeol smiled.

"And how can you say you have basketball practice? I'm sure she knew that you had your last basketball match already," Jongin laughed.

"Whatever, I couldn't think of anything else," Chanyeol laughed as well. He placed a soft kiss on Jongin's forehead and smiled.

"Well, Yoora and I are going shopping," Mrs Park announced. "Do you need anything from the store, Chanyeol?"

"More condoms."

"We have enough of those. What else do you need?"

"Uhm… strawberry yoghurt," Chanyeol replied.

"Is that it?" Mrs Park asked. Chanyeol nodded. "Don't worry, I'll get pretzels."

"I knew you'd get it," Chanyeol grinned.

"Jongin? Do you want anything from the store?" Yoora asked.

"Banana milk, please," Jongin said.

"You have enough of that," Yoora replied. Jongin stared with an open mouth. "I'm kidding, relax. We'll get some banana milk for you."

Jongi smiled with a slight blush. "Thanks."

Chanyeol chuckled. "Wimp. Relax, you of all people should know that Yoora likes to tease us."

Jongin knew Chanyeol was right. She was teasing the two about dating before Jongin even considered Chanyeol as a potential partner, which could have been a few years back.

"We're off," Mrs Park announced. She pulled Yoora out of the house by her shirt sleeve. Chanyeol immediately pulled Jongin up from the couch and pulled him towards the stairs.

"Where are we going? I was watching Brooklyn Nine Nine," Jongin complained.

"We're gonna fuck on the stairs if you don't start walking."

Jongin stopped walking on purpose. "I've never had sex on a staircase before."

Chanyeol smirked. "Well, today is your lucky day."

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