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Tryna do my best,yeah
Baby steps, yeah
Difficult when im so lonely and upset, yeah
Taught i was a vet, yeah
Love is a mess yeah,
Now all i have is swimming pool filled with regrets yeah,

I call you dont pick up.
You hurt me till im fed up.
Thats why i cannot trust!! 😣😭
Dry those eyes
Dont you cry
Heard those words a thousand times.
I'm not fine.
Take my time.
Slowly drowning down inside.
Im not alright.
Dont think i will survive.

You bring me up To bring me to my knees.
And when you're here you take it all from me💔.
Hold in the name of love.
You hurt me till i blow up💥💣
Thats why I cannot trust.

Slowly dying down inside.🔪

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