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"I woke up early one day and I saw her talking on the phone by the front door with a suitcase in hand. She was too wrapped up in her conversation with her friends to notice me standing there, listening to her. When she finally noticed me, she tried to play dumb."

"I see..." "Nothing is okay at home, Kev. I don't understand why she thinks we're okay with it. I can see that my dad isn't okay with her waltzing back in either. I don't see why he won't just kick her out." "Maybe because he still loves her?" I couldn't deny that fact.

"So, may I come over?" "Yes. Do you want me to meet you half way?" "Nah." I ended the call then sighed heavily. I threw my uniform and pjs into a bag along with other things that I'd need. My door opened and closed. "Running away?" "And leave you? Nah."

I looked at my dad who looked like he had something else to say. "I'm just staying at Kevin's. Don't worry." "I heard your mom grumbling under her breath. Did you two argue again?" "As if you don't know the answer to that." I put on my bag then stopped in front of him.

"She needs to go. A whole year and suddenly she wants to come back? I'm pretty sure she had an affair." He patted my head then sighed. "I'm upset too, but your mother isn't as bad as you're making her sound." "Anyway, I'll be going. See you tomorrow."

I twirled my pencil around as class was nearing its end. I couldn't sit still as Haknyeon had something important to tell me. The bell rang and I quickly grabbed my bag and dashed out the door. He always had the best gossip and I didn't intend on missing out.

I slid next to him on the bench then nudged him. "So, what's the tea? Spill." "You know the siblings that attend here right?" "Jacob and Lynda, yeah." "They apparently have connections with the shitty side of school. Turns out he was responsible for that sleezy guy's death."

"Wait, hold up. Where's your proof?" He unlocked his phone then went to his gallery. He tapped on a video that showed Jacob from the side. "He's alone though..." He plugged in earbuds then handed me one. "Did you drug him or something?" "It's just the alcohol."

"Okay, two things. One, where do you even get the alcohol from? Two, why do you even do this?" He remained silent as a drunk Jacob continued to talk. "So I can wake you up." "Wake me up? I'm pretty sure I'm awake." He looked at me with sad eyes. "You're not..."

My head started to hurt, so I quickly reached for water and down it. It miraculously went away. "Anyway, I missed why he had him killed." "He was messing around with his sister." "Ah..." Students in this school were more corrupt than I thought.

"Hey, Hak." "Hm?" "Scripted or unscripted?" "Scripted." We started writing things down and started deciding what would stay and what would go. The bell rang to signal the end of lunch. "I'll see you." He gave me a soft smile while watching me leave.

I sat in class while the teacher droned on about korean history. It wasn't the best subject, but you can learn a thing or two. I couldn't understand what Haknyeon was talking earlier, claiming I wasn't awake. I startled myself with the sound of my book falling.

I looked around and apologized to the class. I picked up my book and hid until they all faced the front once more. I started to draw in my notebook as I wondered how our podcast would go today. We had decided to only do audio today.

I jumped onto his bed as Kevin set everything up. "Do you need help?" "Nah. It's already set up, just let me know when you're ready to start." "Bring the mic over here." He sat down next to me then lied down as well. We started our podcast and I started to feel sleepy.

"Hak." "Hm?" He gestured for me to stay awake. "Sorry." I rolled over, surprising Kevin. "What are you doing?" I started to tickle him. "This isn't what we-" I didn't let him finish. I let our listeners enjoy Kevin's laughter as it was a nice thing to hear.

"Please, stop!" "Tell our listeners how much you love them." He professed his love through his laughter, but I wasn't entirely satisfied. I wanted to see how far he'd go just to get me to stop. "Tell me how much you love me." "I love you more than my parents."

I decided to push further. "I promise to stop if you kiss me." He was still laughing, but didn't respond. "Kev?" He cupped my face then brought my face down to his. "Wait! Stop." I had long since stopped tickling him since he cupped my face. "Oh."

He released my face then lied back. I slid off of him to go see what the comments looked like. I scrolled up and most of them were positive, cheering us on even. "Do you see them, Kev?" "Yeah." I turned to face him as he scrolled on his phone.

I lied back on the bed then cleared my throat. "Back to our scheduled programming." I looked at Kevin who seemed as if he had a good time. "Say, would you have kissed me if I didn't say anything?" "Of course not." His actions said otherwise, but I let it slide.

We finished our list then bid our listeners farewell. I sighed heavily as I could finally breathe. "Want me to walk home with you?" "That'd be nice." I picked up my bag then noticed something underneath it. It was a picture of Kevin and his parents.

I smiled then looked in horror as his father faded from the picture. "Ready Hak?" "Yeah, go on ahead downstairs. Just gonna check to make sure I have everything." He nodded then left the room. I placed the photo down then rubbed my eyes. His father had come back in the photo.

"I hope that's a good sign..." I hurried after Kevin who was waiting by the front door. "I actually want to meet your mom." "Please, as if you need to have any kind of relation with her." I felt him take my hand and give it a squeeze. "I won't if your so against it, okay?"

I looked at our hands then up at his face. "Thank you..." He smiled at me warmly and gave me a fuzzy feeling inside. "It's hot out here right?" "A bit. It is quite warm during winter time...I guess spring is coming early." I looked away then hurried ahead of him.

Podcast : Reverie | HakMoon✅Where stories live. Discover now