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Julia heard her phone, but since the schnitzel couldn't just be dropped, the caller had to wait. The boss had already spoken to her about her lack of concentration.

Since she couldn't imagine who'd disturb a cook at lunchtime anyway, she forgot that the phone had rung during the orders.


Slightly disappointed, Gabriel put down the company phone when only the mailbox could be heard.

But then came the realization that Julia mightn't call back if she didn't know who'd called.

Using his own cell phone, he texted and prayed he didn't have to wait too long for an answer.

When the hustle and bustle was over, Julia took her cell phone out of her pocket and was amazed. With every letter, her heart pounded faster.

'You wanna know if everything is okay with my car? Really now?!'

A laughing smiley in addition because emotions were difficult to convey via text messages.

'No ... but also. I wanted to know much more if everything was okay with you'

'My car is fine. A nice mechanic took good care of it. And I'm fine too'

Waiting impatiently like a teenager for an answer, an annoyed growl followed because another impatient guest wanted something to eat.


'You think I'm nice?'

Julia thought about how to answer, but to write was always easier than saying to someone's face how one felt.

'Yes' – short and sweet.

'Yes, very much,' she wrote in a second message.

'You too. Can I call you?'

Julia looked at the clock and wrote when it would be appropriate.

After more hours that seemed to pass even more slowly, she packed her things and got home as soon as possible.

The long-awaited call came in the stairwell. With a smile, Julia noted that he was very punctual.

Fast as lightning, she ran into her apartment and slammed the door because the neighbors didn't necessarily have to hear everything.

The first question was why she was so out of breath. The conversation lasted long; the two talked a lot, laughed even more, and got along fantastically.

Gabriel lay on the bed, his feet dangling in the air, while Julia put on speakers and made herself something to eat.

"I wanna see you again. As soon as possible," he finally said. Smiling happily, the red-haired woman closed her eyes for a moment and nodded ... until she remembered that Gabriel couldn't hear the nod.

"I have New Year's Eve and New Year off ..."

Gabriel's heart jumped with anticipation.

"I have an annoying brother."

"I have an apartment to myself."

"All right, I'll bring the champagne with me. I look forward to visiting you."

After sending the address, it was a done deal, and they both counted down the days, hours, and minutes until they saw each other again.

New Year's Eve

It had been a long time since Julia had been so nervous. No wonder her last date felt like decades ago. The table was set, some small cold delicacies were ready, and there were biscuits left over from Christmas. The apartment was clean, and Julia had even thought about getting the second set of bed linen from the basement – it could start.

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