Basic Info

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So basically, how I'm going to make this work is you choose a plot from this page and then choose a ship from another, pm me or comment it and we'll get going.

If I'm not replying, I'm probably..
•At school
•At work
•Busy w/ something else
•Writers block
•Others (I'll say in Roleplay)

I'm okay with:
•Self Harm
•Light/leading into smut
•(+ Others)

Won't do:
•Heavy, detailed gore
•Heavy, detailed smut
•Anything super hero related (Marvel, DC, etc. I just know nothing about it)
•FTM pregnancy
•(+ Others)

Plots start here!
•Soulmate AU (suggest which kind)

•Hanahaki AU - Plot 1:
Muse B is madly in love with Muse A, bit Muse A doesn't return the feelings. They are crushing/already dating someone else at the moment. If Muse A doesn't do anything, Muse B is going to die. What does muse A do?

Coffee Shop/Cafe AU - Plot 1:
•Character B works at a coffee shop/café and has been working their for a while. They've seen a lot of beautiful people come in, but has never been attracted to them. That is, until Muse A, who has recently moved to the city/town shows up. Muse A is absolutely gorgeous and Muse B can't help, but stay up front and stair at them instead of doing their job, cleaning dishes in the back.

Wings AU - Plot 1:
•Muse B doesn't like to show their wings much, so they hide them every day for 8 hours straight without stretching them. This isn't good for the wings and it causes them to be damaged, if this goes on for too long, Muse B don't be able to fly or use their wings for anything useful. Muse A doesn't want that for their partner, so they encourage them to show their wings for often so that won't happen, but Muse B isn't helping their self, just hurting.

Trans Character AU - Plot 1:
•Muse A & B have been together for almost a year and a half now, but Muse B has a huge secret that they are afraid of sharing. They're trans (FTM or MTF! Love them both!) and they have yet to tell Muse A. They're afraid of being left once again, so they keep it a secret. But as the days go on, Muse B starts hurting more and more as they let their thoughts of abandonment get to them. This definitely concerns Muse A and they just want to help, but Muse B is pushing them away.

Trans Character AU - Plot 2:
•Muse A & B, two complete strangers, are having a good time at a party. The two head to Muse (A or B)'s house and continue where they started at the party. Before things go too far, Muse B stops   Muse A and tell them the truth. 

Long Distance AU - Plot 1:
•Muse A and B are internet friends who haven't met at all, they believe they're miles apart. The two have never planned to meet, they haven't asked where they lived either, they thought it wasn't necessary. Muse B is on a bus next to a supposed stranger, both are on their phones. Muse A occasionally glances over at Muse B's phone, being the curious one, and notice that the messages being sent to them are similar to the ones that they are receiving.

- - -
•Muse A & B get into a huge fight.
1) It gets physical.
2) It ends up Muse A/B leaving.

(^^Possible reasons for plot above^^)
•Character B gets super wasted/drunk and Character A needs to make sure that they dont cause any trouble.

•Muse B always finds Muse A flirting with other people and Muse B doesn't know how to stop it or what to say.

•Muse A is coming home super late/early in the morning/in the middle of the night. Muse B suspects that Muse A is cheating on them.

•Just as things were going well, Muse B sees Muse A hooking up with someone behind their back. Muse A tries to act like it's nothing, but B knows what's going on. Little does B know, that this has been happening for a while.
- - -

•Muse B is very self conscious about their body and Muse A tried their best to show them that no one is perfect/Everyone is perfect in their own ways.

•Muse A & B broke up in highschool. When college comes around, they finally see/meet each other again and realize how much has changed.

•Muse B goes to a high school party, but this time, the bouncers are doing something different. They are hanging out bands for your relation status.
❤Red = Taken
💛Yellow = Complicated
💚Green = Single
💙Blue = Here to have fun
Character B gets handed a blue band, not knowing what it is or what its for, but just accepted it. Muse A sees Muse B's band and starts flirting with them even though they have absolutely no idea who they are.

•Another school day is starting and Muse B refuses to get up after spending the night over at Muse A's house. "Nope. I'm not getting up and neither are you. Deal with it."

•Muse A and B are just talking and hanging out in on of their rooms. Everything is quiet until Muse B blurts something out. "I think I like someone-" "OHMYGOD Who is it?? Do I know them?? Do I need to fuck them up if they hurt you??"

•Muse B has a huge crush on Muse A. The only problem is that Muse A continuously jokingly flirts with Muse B.

•"(Muse B isn't paying attention to Muse A).. Oh, and I'm pregnant." "Oh coo- wAIT wHAT?!" "Haha, just kidding, I love you." "Oh.. wAIT-" Boom. Surprise confession to love.

•Muse B and A both live in the same apartment building and own an extra set of keys to the others room. One night, Muse B wakes up in the middle of the night because of a bad nightmare and are afraid of going back to sleep. They take the keys to Muse A's room are invade their home, sneaking to their room. Muse B climbs into Muse A's bed and just snuggles with them until Muse B falls asleep.

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