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SM Town New York was here, and you already wanted to go back home.

It wasn't that you didn't like the idea of performing and getting to see your international fans as well as part of a new country. It was that you had to perform, see your international fans, and part of a new country, all under the guise of Yuta's girlfriend. With Kun tagging along to most everything you did, while still completely ignoring you. He wasn't necessarily mean or rude to you, he was just indifferent, and maybe slightly avoiding you. Which was probably for the best, as every time he spoke to you, you were rendered either speechless or barely able to stumble your way through a semi-intelligible reply. Pathetic really was the only word you could come up with for yourself.

The first day you were in New York was arranged just for the artists to get situated in their hotels and explore. The next day was the concert, and the day after you'd fly back to Korea. Being a solo artist didn't save you from rooming with someone else. You were set up in a room with Taeyeon, another female soloist you were familiar with. Much like you had been Jisung's older sister when he came to the company, Taeyeon had been yours. And now she was lecturing about your crush on Kun. You couldn't even blame Yuta for this one, you'd told her about it five years ago when you'd first realized it. And now you were realizing that might have been your biggest mistake ever.

"It's really been five years and you've done nothing?" She asked as you were sat on your bed in your hotel room, and she paced along in front of you.

"How many times are you going to ask me that?" You groaned, pulling on a shoe.

"Y/N, why haven't you done anything?"

"I don't know. Maybe because I was trying to debut, and then trying to not ruin my career, and then you know, trying to uh, still not ruin my career."

"I don't mean dating him specifically, I mean in general. You haven't gotten over him, you haven't asked him out. You're stagnant. You've got to do something."

"You sound like Yuta now."

"Well then Yuta's right. Do something."

"Can I worry about doing something when we get back home?"

"Nope. I want you either dating him or getting over him before we get back on that plane."

Sighing, you started putting your jacket and your shoes back on, "I'm going to get some food with a couple Dreamies, are you coming?"

"I have some other stuff to do first, go have fun," She dismissed you with a smile, knowing that she had given you something to think about.

Stuffing your phone in your jacket pocket, you pressed the down button impatiently. You were to be meeting Renjun and Jeno in the lobby, they were apparently already there. You probably should have been going with Yuta, but he was rooming with Kun and Lucas, and you just needed time with someone who wasn't related to any of that for just a little bit.

You saw a figure walking towards you from the end of the hall and started pushing the elevator button again desperately. When the doors opened, you darted in, but a hand stopped it before the rest of the body followed. Kun stepped on coolly, not even glancing at you as he asked, "Lobby?" with his hand hovering over the panel of buttons.

"Uh, yes." You were way too proud of yourself for that one-word answer, trying to move yourself as far away from him as possible, as inconspicuously as possible.

"So, are you excited for the performance tomorrow?" He spoke up, and you took two deep breaths before answering.

"Yeah, yeah. Are you?"

"Yes, absolutely."

Curiosity overrode your awkwardness, "Are you performing more than Black on Black?"

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