Never Ending

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Rachel POV

"Good," he praised. "Very good."

Master was right. The sharpened knife brought no pain at all. 

I knew it was my fate all along. The day Master purchased me had only just saved me a bit more time to live, and I was happy. I shouldn't blame him.

The time he had given me was a true blessing.

Is this what the afterlife is like?

Neither cold or hot, complete utter darkness, and all alone. I wonder how many days I've been here. I can't see anything or hear. I can't even feel either. Am I still in one piece?

I don't remember the pain. Maybe it's because I just didn't feel it. I guess I'm dead now.

Will I be able to see Mama and Papa? 

I can still see the mountains that were far in the distance. I can feel the cold water of my beloved lake through my toes, the warmth that the sun gives me as I sit by the lake, and the feeling of freedom.

Those days were refreshing. I would paddle my feet against the ripples as I lay my back onto the soft grass. A breeze would flow by making the grass dance as I wait for the sun to go down. 

And I hear her voice. Her sweet loving voice to come home. And I would see her figure standing on top of the hill that overlooked the lake waving her arm to come back.

Who was she again?

The quietness was calming. Am I lost under sea? I feel like I'm floating but then again... I can't feel anything. I want to get out of here.

It feels like forever. Lately I've been thinking about things, but I can't seem to remember them anymore. 

My name is Rachel. That's all I remember. Who was I? How did I get here? I don't know, I don't remember.

I think a week passed by. I think. Or maybe it was just an hour that passed by. I can't tell anymore. I've lost track of time.


That was one word I could think of. What am I doing here? Am I waiting for something to happen. I try moving but nothing moves. Do I even have a body? I don't know.

When I think now I get frustrated. And when I'm frustrated, I get more frustrated because I can't do anything.

I 'see' flashes of people, places, scenes. I see faces I've never seen before yet so familiar to me. I see places that I believe I've been before. And the scenes I see... were all gruesome.

Was that my life? Did I live in that kind of world where everyone lived in fear? What was I afraid of? What were we afraid of?

I would think but then forget. I would see flashes again but forget. It was a never ending loop. I would see the pristine lake and field of grass. In front of the vast mountains would be a hill. I would reach for the woman who was on top but would never reach her.

How long am I staying here? Can anyone hear me? I want to get out. I don't want to be here anymore...

Rachel. I don't recall anything else but my name. I can hear the clear call of my name being called. It's funny. Was I a person that was loved? So many different voices I hear...

I wish to sleep in this dark abyss. I've never felt this tired. There's nothing to do but to ponder. I feel like going insane, but I can't. 

I don't want to stay here.

I see the mountains again in the distance. I can feel the cold water touch my toes, the warmth once again from the sun. I sat by the lake with the weight of freedom carrying me.

It's refreshing. I paddled my feet against the ripples as I lay my back onto the dancing grass. A breeze flowed as the sun went down.

And I hear her call. It was sweet and loving. She wanted me to come home. I turned around to see her figure standing on top of the hill. The woman is waving her arm for me to come back. And then I blinked. 

Everything vanished.

I knew it was too good to be true. I knew all along it was just a flashback. My last bit of hope is gone.

Has a year gone by already? I don't know what to think anymore. More like there's nothing I can think of. I really can't remember anything. The memories have stopped long ago. I don't remember my name too. What was it again?











What is this abrupt feeling?

Oh I know, freedom. I can't remember how it felt. I haven't thought about anything actually since I my mind has gone blank.

I hear it first. Birds I believe. Their chirps were light and frequent. I could tell there were more than one. 

I open my eyes.

I see the mountains in the distance that was hazed out by the mist. The cold water of my beloved lake chilled my feet as the warmth from the sun keeps me at a cozy temperature. I sat by the lake and breathed in the air of freedom.

It was a nice refreshing day. I paddled my feet in the water as I lay my back onto the soft grass. A breeze came by and brushed the grass beside me.


The sound of my mother's call surprised me. I sat up quickly and turned to see Mama standing at the top of the hill overlooking my favorite corner of the lake.

From her posture, I could tell something was wrong.

Mama had her arms wrapped around her chest, hugging herself. I knew that gestured well. Mama was afraid. I've rarely seen her in fear, it was rare to scare Mama. Her call even had a slight tremor, and the way she looked at my show signs of desperation.

I suddenly have a sense of déjà vu... Why is that though?

"Rachel I need you back at the house this instant!"

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