09: The King of Darkness

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The next day, Donovan is sitting outside of his house, reading a book in the swing. He's not really concentrated, though, because the fact that the coven checks up on him every hour bothers him. He can take care of himself, especially with such strong powers.

Noah parks on front of his house.

He squeezes himself into the swing and kisses Donovan. "How are you?"

"Putting aside the fact that these malevolent darkness wants me, then I guess I'm good," Donovan answers, resting his head on Noah'a shoulder.

"I'll always be here for you," Noah says, staring into Donovan's eyes.

Those words bring comfort to him, bringing back flashbacks where Noah has protected him. The time in freshman year when Bryson hit him with a ball in the head, Noah walked up to the jerk and punched his face with no remorse. Or when a group of bullies knocked him to the ground, and guess who came to the rescue?

Noah has always been by Donovan's side.

"Are you attending the Halloween festival?" Donovan asks him.

"I forgot that was today," Noah says.

"Was that a yes or a no?" Donovan holds Noah's hand.

Noah bites his bottom lip, facing the bright sky. "You'll have to convince me?"


"Use your head, smarty," Noah says, rubbing their noses together.

Donovan leans into Noah until their lips make contact. "And?"

"I don't know," Noah teases, shrugging jokingly.

Donovan kisses him again, more passionate this time. "Now?"

He shrugs again, pouting his lips. "Getting there."

Donovan chuckles and kisses him again and again and again.

Between the kisses, Noah manages to blurt out, "As long as you're going, I'm going."

"A date it is," says Donovan, standing up from the swing.


"Where you going?" Mr. Thornhill asks Donovan as he heads downstairs well-dressed.

"The festival, father," Donovan explains, spraying waves of cologne in his body. "It's today."

Before Donovan reaches the front door, Mr. Thornhill gets on front of it. "You won't."

"I'm going with Noah," he tries to let him know he's going to be okay.

"Noah can't protect you, Donovan!" Mr. Thornhill growls.

It is the first time Donovan sees him truly furious. But inside those angry eyes rests a glint of worry. He doesn't want to loose his only child.

"I'll be fine," Donovan insists. "There's nothing to be worried about."

Mr. Thornhill sighs loudly, staring at the floor. "Promise me that you'll be back as soon as you notice something unusual."

Donovan smiles. "I promise."

As Donovan opens the door, Mr. Thornhill gives him a tight hug. "I lost your mother, and you're all I have."

Why is he so sentimental today? Is something wrong?

"I love you, too," Donovan says, hugging back.

Mr. Thornhill chuckles and lets him go. "Be careful."

Donovan waves goodbyes just as Noah's car parks outside.

The park located in the middle of town is crowded with humans and witches. The orange colors of Halloween bursting from every surrounding, like the pumpkins and decoration hanging on the trees. Thankfully, the sun peeks through the clouds, bringing positivity to the town.

There are children sitting together at a big table, coloring images given to them for entertainment. Some couples walk around while others buy in the variety of food selling places around the park.

"Hello, Donovan."

Parker Harlow appears with a bag of popcorn on his hands.

"How are you?" Donovan asks, smiling as him and Noah stand in the sidewalk.

"Great," he replies. "This town isn't so terrible, after all."

Donovan chuckles. "Well, you haven't seen the bad parts yet."

Parker grins and fixes his maroon scarf. "And this is?" he asks, referring to Noah.

"Noah Miller," Donovan introduces him. "My boyfriend."

Parker slightly opens his mouth at the word boyfriend. "Oh, I see."

He takes Noah's hand, shaking it. "I'm Parker Harlow. Nice meeting you."

"Well, I better get going," Donovan mentions, pointing behind him. "It was nice seeing you, Parker."

He smiles and walks away.

Noah stop to buy cotton candy for the two before continuing their walk.

"And Amara?" Noah asks, popping a piece of blueberry cotton candy into his mouth.

"She is being released tomorrow," Donovan answers, feeding Noah a piece of his watermelon cotton candy. "Too bad she's missing today."

Out of nowhere, the sun hides behind thick clouds and a lightning commences with droplets of rain. The people begin to scatter around like ants to their vehicles. Puddles form in the ground in less than a second.

"It does feel like Halloween, am I right?" Noah says, taking his jacket off to shield himself and Donovan from the rain.

A tingle runs up Donovan's spine, giving him a bad feeling. "Let's go," he says, ignoring it.

While walking across the now-empty park with wet clothes, another lightning brightens the dark sky. But this lightning is the loudest of all, shaking the ground. After it, the thick, heavy drops of rain stop.

Noah looks up, amazed. "Is it just me or was it a red lightning?"

"Oh, it was."

A man appears behind the couple, wearing a black coat and pants. Everything he is wearing is dark, matching his hair color. The only different color is his olive skin, jade-green eyes and a crimson ring.

"Who are you?" Donovan asks, feeling a shiver crawl all over his body.

The man steps forward, hands behind his back. "Don't you know?" His voice is incredibly deep, like lost echoes.

Donovan faces Noah, but he is just as clueless.

The man chuckles, resting a hand on Donovan's shoulder.

"Donovan," he says, tilting his head. "I'm the King of Darkness."


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