Epilogue: forever with you

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(ryoga's POV)

I ryoga hibiki is currently facing the most terrifying moment of my entire life "hey dude you ready?" my best man asked and guess who he is your right my best man in my wedding is ranma saotome "hey saotome can you come in for moment" I said as I examine my self in a whole body mirror in my wedding room "so what is it now?" he asked I then looked at him and asked "how do I look?" I asked "gorgeous now let's go" he said sarcastically while dragging me out the room but I stopped him "I'm serious" I told him and I heard him sign and said "just lose the bandana and tighten your necktie a little bit" I nodded and followed his instructions "can I asked you a question?" I asked "sure go ahead" ranma said "when you and akane were getting married what did you felt?" yeah him and akane are married for at least a year o two now "well at first I was pretty nervous and I don't know how many time the idea of running away popped in my head. I was scared to the point that I could hear my own heart beat but all my fear was washed out once I saw akane walking towards me in her weeding dress and all that I could think of was our future and our love story and the rest was history" ranma finished "is that so, but what if rose don't show up?" I asked "come one a saotome backing out now that sounds silly trust me she will show up" ranma assured me "thanks man" I said "no problem now let's go we don't want the bride be the one waiting now do we?" ranma said I nodded and followed him to the altar.

(at the altar(A/N: ryoga and rose is getting married at the church just so you know ))

I was currently waiting at the altar and just like ranma I was scared, I can hear my own heart beating and beads of sweat is dripping from my forehead then the music started and all the people stood up and our maid of honors came in with their escorts the color of the gowns is well white "good luck bro, oh and hurt her in any way possible and I will knock the daylight out of you" ranma threaten when he pass me I just smirk and relied "that day won't happen saotome cause I'm not going to let my girl be hurt again not any more" not looking at him. The flower girls entered then the ring barer then at the door of the church their stand the love of my life and just like what ranma said all of me fears was gone and all that I can think of was that is the girl I will spent my entire life with she was wearing and elegant wedding gown with rose design and she was escorted by Mr. saotome and her sister and everything around us went slow motion as I reminisce our pass, the moment we spent with each other, how I propose to her, her reaction, our first meeting, first fight with each other, first fight together, our first kiss, our love story. I was snapped back to reality by Mr. saotome tapping my shoulder and her sister saying "take good care of her ok" "I will" I said then the ceremony begun.

"rosella saotome and ryoga hibiki, today you are surrounded by your friends and family, all of whom have gathered here to witness your marriage and to share in the joy of this special occasion. Today, as you join yourselves in marriage, there is a vast and unknown future stretching out before you. The possibilities and potentials of your married life are great; and now falls upon your shoulders the task of choosing your values and making real your dreams. Through your commitment to each other, may you grow and nurture a love that makes both of you better people, a love that continues to give you great joy, and also a passion for living that provides you with energy and patience to face the responsibilities of life." The priest said as i looked at me beautiful bride "rosella saotome and ryoga hibiki, remember to treat yourselves and each other with respect, and remind yourselves often of what brought you together. Take responsibility for making the other feel safe, and give the highest priority to the tenderness, gentleness and kindness that your connection deserves. When frustration, difficulty and fear assail your relationship, as they threaten all relationships at some time or another, remember to focus on what is right between you, not just the part that seems wrong. In this way, you can survive the times when clouds drift across the face of the sun in your lives, remembering that, just because you may lose sight of it for a moment, does not mean the sun has gone away. And, if each of you takes responsibility for the quality of your life together, it will be marked by abundance and delight." The priest said then we face each other in other to exchange our vows i was the first one to do this "rose from the first time I saw you I made a very terrible first expression, I attacked you and accuse you of being some else even though you said that you weren't and I just want you to know that that day still hunts me so I thank you for giving me another chance to get to know you a lot better. You thought me many things in life like star gazing, and the most important thing a person need to know" I paused for a minute then continued "love, I thought that I already found it but I was wrong. Before this my life was nothing but a dark, dull and unlucky one. But then you showed up and you chase that darkness away replacing it with your bright and cheerful attitude. You showed me that there is someone who can love me for who I am. You never left or hurt me but I on the other hand break your heart and hurt you which cause you to forget about me but no matter what happened faith is still making a way for us to be together. And after a few weeks you remembered me. And I just wanted you to know that during the time that I was out numbered I was just thinking of you and that alone gave me strength to keep on fighting till the very end. My life is yours from that day of the ball till the very end so I promise you that I will do anything to protect you, I will never let you fall and I'll stand up with you forever, I'll be there for you through it all, even if saving you sends me to heaven cause baby your worth all of it" I said as I whipped the tear that escape her eyes and continued "this tear will be the last one you ever cry cause I will never let you cry again I will do everything to make you the happiest girls alive" I finished my vow and she started "I hope you won't break that promise of yours, and your right you didn't make such a good impression at me but look at what that brought us I just want you to know that I'll also won't leave you side and I will love with everything I have even your old and gray and all of your teeth falls apart you'll still be the most handsome guy for me I love you ryoga hibiki always have, always will. I will love you for eternity and I hope you will do the same too" she finished then the priest spoke again "Do you ryoga hibiki, take rosella saotome to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?" "I do" I happily said "and do you rosella saotome take ryoga hibiki to be your lawfully wedded husband , to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?" "I do" she happily replied "may I have the rings?" the priest asked as the ring barer gave it to us "I have for you a golden ring. The most precious metal symbolizes that your love is the most precious element in my life. The ring has no beginning and no ending, which symbolizes that the love between us will never cease. I place it on your finger as a visible sign of the vows which have made us husband and wife." I said as I slip the ring in her ring finger "I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness. As I place it on your finger, I commit my heart and soul to you. I ask you to wear this ring as a reminder of the vows we have spoken today, our wedding day." She said as she slip the ring in my ring finger then the priest spoke again "and now by the power vested in me I hereby pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" and with that I put the veil behind her and held her cheeks "I love you now and forever" I said "I love you too now and forever" she said then I closed the distance between our lips and captured her in a sweet and full of love kiss. Everyone cheered and rejoiced as we make our way out of the church everyone was throwing rice grain at us then when we reached the front of the church we were greeted by our family and friend congratulating us we have a little pictorial then we proceed to having fun and eat foods after that me and my bride ride in a limo which is sponsored by her sister who knew that one part of the saotome is rich but not after rose throw her bouquet which hit some random guy's head I don't know if it's a family friend or something but the guy have look I gave him that. He picked up the bouquet at the same time Julie did they looked at each other and it looks like we might have another addition to our little family we smiled at them as we entered the car and rode of to our happily ever after which we will spent with each other for all eternity...


A/N: well that's the end oh and if your wondering what rose's wedding dress look like i have added a photo showing the design

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