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Choi Ara POV

I was walking on the school's hallways when I saw the most annoying boy I known Jeon Jungkook. "Hi, Ara-ssi it's such a coincidence that we saw each other at the school's corridors. Hmm, do you think this is called destiny?" He asked, causing me to raise an eyebrow at him, then I replied "I think it is only called a coincidence" I said then made my way to the classroom.

When I arrived, I immediately saw Taehee who was just sitting on her chair beside mine. I walked faster to my chair and waved at my friend, she also waved back. "How was your weekend?" She asked, "it's ok" I replied then asked her back and she also said "okay" causing me to nod.

We were just talking about some random stuff until our teacher came and held a surprise test at her subject, and guess what subject it was....English. I looked back and saw Jungkook's eyes widen, I probably wanted to call him 'Jungshook'.

Jungkook really hates the English subject, because last surprise test he got a score 5 out of 100 imagine that everybody else thought that he was 'the golden Maknae'. My theories from that day that he was probably to busy dating the girls on this campus that's why he got the lowest score.

Mrs. Park gave the test paper to us and said "when you recieve your test paper answer immediately remember 'time is gold'. I will announce your test scores tomorrow." she said.

After we took the test Mrs. Park exited our room until the next subject teacher came and discuss some things.

At recess me and Taehee would always go on the rooftop when I saw a boy getting bullied by........Jungkook? Well it's just normal for him, he always bullies people her in the campus which I don't really mind.

I was about to proceed to the rooftop when Taehee froze into her spot. "Taehee-ah, are you okay?" I asked instead of replying a nod she just said "let's go help him. I think he needs our help" she said surprising me.

"Yah!! Jeon Jungkook, what do you think you're doing!!" Taehee exclaimed, her voice echoing on the hallways. "What do you think am I doing?" Jungkook asked.

"Why are you bullying people again?" I asked in a calm voice, while Taehee was about to burst in a minute. Instead he laughed and then replied "this is a person? I don't even think he belongs to us he's just a weakling like a harmless animal" causing the boy to look down, I also noticed that he was clutching his fist really tight. "Yah!! Do you have no respect on other people?!" Taehee asked.

"Oh! I have one but this one doesn't even deserve one. And you watch out because I will make you my next victim" he answered pointing to Taehee and walked out.

"Taehyung-ah, gwaenchana?" Taehee asked worried while I just stood there staring at them, I wonder what's their connection with each other. "Eo, I'm okay" he said reassuring her. "I think you better go to the clinic sunbae, just look at your bruise and you're also a mess" Taehee said in concerned tone.

"Ara-ssi can you go without me?" Taehee asked "Hmm, I'm okay by going there by myself" I said in a reassuring tone. We separated ways.

I was on my way to the rooftop while my mind was occupying this question:

" What was Taehee's connection with that boy?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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