He's a boy

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Now that we've got his lazy attitude discussed, its time for some nice talk. He is pretty cute and even anything he does ultimately blames his brothers but there is a pretty appreciable side. One major example good love for his mother, im only talking about him laying on his mother's lap while she's sitting, not when she tells him to bring her something or to do a certain kitchen choir. But he still loves his mama.

The main part is when guests come. Like of course every kid, at first he tucks himself in a shell like a turtle but sooner or later that he shows his peacock feathers like some kind school show off kid.

The only things that can be a pain in the butt is his infinite amount questions and grabbing technique. He does have a major abs addiction. Like seriously, if you have a well built body he will stick on you like a leech, sucking the muscle out of you, and how do I know, well I somehow have a decent well built body and jeez he's like pulling my shirt off ,so much so it looked like he's almost going to tear my shirt off. About the infinite questions, well start a topic on something stupid and holy damn will you damn regret your brain for making you even think about the topic.

He is a great boy but he has his dangerous sides, but won't be revealed until the next chapter. 

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